(A)   A period of 60 days shall elapse after the public hearing before any further action shall be taken by the Council on the proposed improvement. If, within the 60-day period, a petition against the improvement be filed with the Council, signed by a majority of the owners proposed to be assessed for the improvement or, when the improvement has been petitioned for, signed by a number of the owners proposed to be assessed for the improvement at least equal to the number of those who petition for the improvement, the Council shall not make the improvement at the expense of the property benefitted unless, in the meantime, there be filed with the Council a petition asking that the improvement be made, signed by property owners proposed to be assessed for the improvement at least equal in number to those who signed the petition against the improvement; in which event, the Council may disregard the petition against the improvement.
   (B)   Regardless of the provisions in §§ 37.020 through 37.024 of this chapter, when less than 100% of the estimated cost of a proposed local improvement is to be paid for by special assessment within the 60-day period after a public hearing has been held on the proposed improvement, a petition may be filed with the Council, signed by a majority of the number of electors who voted for Mayor in the last regular municipal election, protesting against either the improvement or the assessment formula or both. In this event, the Council shall not proceed with the improvement as proposed.
(Prior Code, § 202.07)