Due to past construction practices and the individualized sewer lateral requirement contained in § 52.004(C)(11), there are instances where residential property owners are required to incur substantial costs to separate an existing sewer service lateral that is shared with one or more nearby properties. Because the City Council finds that such sewer lateral separation projects provide a significant public benefit and are in the best interests of the city's overall sanitary sewer network, and therefore wants to encourage such projects, it hereby authorizes a cost-sharing program through which the City Council may, via resolution and on an individualized basis, authorize reimbursement to a homeowner for one-half of the costs associated with such a project, provided, however, that in no event shall the city's share exceed $7,500 for any one project. In order to qualify for city cost-sharing under this section, the following conditions must be met:
   (A)   The homeowner, not the city, must contract for the work and obtain all duly required permits;
   (B)   The work is performed to accommodate an existing home and not new construction;
   (C)   The work must be performed satisfactorily and in accordance with all state and local regulations;
   (D)   The homeowner requesting reimbursement must not have owned the property when the shared sewer lateral was originally installed; and
   (E)   The project for which reimbursement is sought was completed after January 1, 2022.
(Ord. 992, passed 07-25-2022)