No person licensed hereunder to operate as a mobile food vehicle or mobile food vendor shall conduct business in any of the following manners and in the following areas:
(A) Calling attention to his or her business or the items to be sold by means of blowing any horn or whistle, ringing any bell, crying out, or by any other noise, so as to be unreasonably audible.
(B) Obstructing the free flow of traffic, either vehicular or pedestrian, on any street, sidewalk, alleyway, or other public right-of-way.
(C) Conducting business in a way as to create a threat to the health, safety and welfare of any specific individual or the general public.
(D) Conducting business before 7:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m., unless expressly authorized in the license issued hereunder.
(E) Failing to provide proof of license and identification when requested.
(F) Using the license of another person.
(G) Alleging false or misleading statements about the products being sold, including untrue statements of endorsement. No mobile food vehicle or mobile food vendor shall claim to have the endorsement of the city solely based on the city having issued a license to that person.
(H) Remaining on the property of another when requested to leave or returning to that property after leaving, without written permission of the property owner.
(I) Otherwise operating their business in any manner that a reasonable person may find obscene, threatening, intimidating or abusive.
(J) Conducting business in a city park or parking lot unless expressly authorized in the license issued hereunder.
(K) Operate business less than 2,000 feet away when there is a permit issued for another food or similar permitted event, festival, celebration, or tournament at the same location unless expressly authorized in the license issued hereunder.
(L) Failing to maintain their vehicle or trailer in good repair, order, and neat appearance.
(M) Failing to clean up around their vehicle or trailer at the end of each business day.
(N) Dispensing liquid and or other waste products from their vehicle or trailer on to city, public, and private property.
(O) Conducting business less than 2,000 feet away from any food service business unless expressly authorized by the city.
(Ord. 980, passed 09-13-2021)