(A)   Application. Applications for mobile food vehicle licenses and mobile food vendor licenses will be made on forms supplied by the city. All license applications must be submitted to the issuing authority a minimum of 15 regular business days before the applicant desires to begin conducting business within the city. The issuing authority may require such information on the application, as it deems reasonable and necessary.
   (B)   Fee. All applications for a license shall be accompanied by a fee established in the city's approved fee schedule.
   (C)   Licensing procedure. Upon receipt of the application and of the license fee, the issuing authority will, within three regular business days, determine if the application is complete. An application will be considered complete if all required information is provided. If an application is determined incomplete, the issuing authority must inform the applicant of what required or otherwise necessary information is missing. If the application is complete, the issuing authority will forward the application to any other department deemed necessary to conduct background checks and investigations, as required in division (D) of this section, and to verify eligible zoning locations. Within 15 regular business days of receiving a completed application, the issuing authority must issue the license unless grounds exist for denying the license application under § 120.005.
   (D)   Background check. The city will perform a background investigation on any and all persons that will conduct any mobile food vehicle or mobile food vendor operations in the city.
   (E)   License duration.
      (1)   Licenses for mobile food vehicles may be issued for periods of one day, 30 days, or one year. Applicants may choose one from the following three types of licenses during the initial application process:
         (a)   A one-day license that shall be valid for one day from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.
         (b)   A 30-day license that shall be valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.
         (c)   A one-year license that shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance.
      (2)   Licenses for mobile food vendors may be issued for periods of one day or one year.
         (a)   A one-day license shall be valid for one day from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.
         (b)   A one-year license shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance.
   (F)   Display of license. All licenses issued shall be visibly displayed or accessible on the inside of the vehicle or trailer at all times during business conduction.
   (G)   ID badges. Any individual preparing or selling products from a mobile food vehicle or otherwise operating as a mobile food vendor must pass a background check as part of the licensing process. The city will issue ID badges to each approved individual and said badges shall be worn at all times while operating within the city pursuant to this chapter.
   (H)   Site plan. Applicants shall provide a site plan showing the location of the parked truck or trailer on the property and its distance from all permanent structures and property lines (moving mobile food vendors are exempt from this requirement).
   (I)   Location duration. Applicants shall operate no more than 21 days annually at any one place without the approval of the regulatory authority as defined in Minnesota Statutes.
   (J)   Insurance. Applicants shall provide, along with their application, a certificate of insurance by an insurance company authorized to do business in the state, evidencing the following forms of insurance:
      (1)   Commercial general liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per each occurrence. If such insurance contains an annual aggregate limit, the annual aggregate limit shall be not less than $ 1,500,000;
      (2)   Automobile liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit. The insurance shall cover liability arising out of any automobile, including owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles;
      (3)   Food products liability insurance, with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per each occurrence; and
      (4)   Workers compensation insurance (statutory limits) or evidence of exemption from state law.
(Ord. 980, passed 09-13-2021)