(a)   Any person holding elective office may be recalled at any time after six months in office, pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Charter and in those state statutes, as from time to time amended, which do not conflict with this Charter, or with ordinances adopted by the Town pursuant to this Charter, and which establish procedures for the recall of municipal elective officers.
   (b)   A recall petition shall be signed by registered electors of the Town equal in number to at least twenty-five percent of the entire vote cast at the last preceding regular election for the office to which the person sought to be recalled was elected, or in the case of a member of the Board of Trustees, twenty-five percent of the vote for all candidates for Trustee divided by the number of Trustees elected at the last regular election.
   (c)   No signature on a recall petition shall be valid if signed on a date more than thirty days prior to the date the signed petition is filed with the Clerk.
   (d)   No separate recall election shall be held if a regular election is scheduled within ninety days after submission of the recall petition. The recall election shall be held at the same time as a regular election scheduled within ninety-days of submission of the recall petition. If the term of the official against whom recall is sought expires at the regularly scheduled election within 90 days, no recall election will be held.
   (e)   After one recall petition and election, no further petition shall be filed against the same person during the term for which such person was elected or appointed, unless the signers number at least fifty percent of the votes cast at the last preceding election for all candidates for the office held by such person, the number to be determined in the manner described in this section.
   (f)   Except as to requirements contained in this Charter and in the state statutes, as from time to time amended, applicable to the recall of municipal elective officers not inconsistent with this Charter or ordinances adopted pursuant to this Charter, the form, content, approval and other petition requirements in the municipal initiative statutes, as from time to time amended, shall apply as nearly as practicable to recall petitions.