1.   All regular and special meetings of the Board, except executive sessions as defined below, shall be open to the public and citizens shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard under such rules and regulations as the Board may prescribe.
2.   Any meeting of the Board of Trustees may be recessed by a two-thirds vote of those present in order to hold an executive session, which shall be closed to the public, for any of the following purposes:
   (a)   To consider documents or testimony given in confidence;
   (b)   To determine a position relative to issues subject to negotiation, to receive reports on the progress and status of negotiations, to develop strategy, and to instruct negotiators;
   (c)   To consider the purchase, sale or lease of property by the Town;
   (d)   For matters of attorney-client privilege;
   (e)   For matters required by Federal or State law to be confidential;
   (f)   For matters critical to the personal safety of members of the Board and for matters involving the protection and security of Town property.
   (g)   For classified or confidential police matters, subject to criteria the Board may establish by ordinance.
   (h)   To consider personnel matters.
   (i)   To consider additional matters which are permitted to be the subject of an executive session, including, without limitation, what may be permitted under the Open Meetings Law, as the same may be amended from time to time, or under court decisions.
   (j)   To discuss evidence submitted in a quasi judicial proceeding.
3.   No board, commission or committee of the Town shall hold an executive session, except in accordance with subsection 2 above.
4.   No final policy, final decision, resolution, rule, ordinance or regulation, and no action approving a contract or calling for the payment of money shall be adopted in an executive session.