A.   A City Planning Commission is hereby created for the City. It shall consist of five (5) appointive members, all of whom shall be voters of the City, and the Chair of the City Council and the City Engineer (if any) as ex officio members.
   B.   The appointive members shall be nominated by the Chair of the Council and appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council and shall serve for terms of three (3) years, the terms to end on the first Monday in May. Of the original appointive members, one shall serve until the first Monday in the next May after appointment; two (2) shall serve until the first Monday in May a year later; and two (2) shall serve until the first Monday in May two (2) years later.
   C.   Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired terms. The members shall serve without compensation. The City Council may remove members of the City Planning Commission for cause.
(Prior Code § 12-101)