Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description
B-59 | 5-7-1964 | Granting a franchise to Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company to operate a gas transmission and distribution system for a period of 25 years. |
B-86 | 10-3-1966 | Granting a nonexclusive franchise to Midwest Cable Television to operate a coaxial cable system in the village. |
C-76 | 8-7-1978 | Extending the franchise granted to Midwest Cable Television Inc., which has been assigned to Metro Enterprises, Incl. for a period of ten years. |
D-59 | 4-7-1986 | Granting a nonexclusive franchise to T.D.S. Collection Service, Inc., to operate a trash and garbage collection system in the village for a period of three years. |
D-82 | 3-6-1989 | Amending Ord. D-59 and extending the term for a period of three years. |
D-84 | 5-15-1989 | Granting a franchise to K N Energy, Inc., to operate a gas transmission and distribution system in the village. |
D-98 | - - | Granting a franchise to TCI Cablevision of Nebraska, Inc., for the construction and operation of a cable system. |
D-105 | - - | Amending Ord. D-82 by extending the term of the franchise by five years, with an option to renew for an additional three years. |
D-142 | - - | Amending Ord. D- 82, repealing Ord. D- 105, and providing for the extension of nonexclusive franchise to T.D.S. Collection Services, Inc. |
D-152 | 1-27-1998 | Amending Ord. D- 84. |
D-220 | 1-7-2003 | Extending the rights granted to TDS Collection Services, by Ord. D-142, for an additional period of five years after the date of filing of such acceptance. |
D-269 | 9-9-2008 | Amending Ord. D- 142, amending the fees for the collection of solid waste. |
D-301 | 3-11-2014 | Repealing Ords. D- 84 and D-152, granting SourceGas Distribution LLC a 25-year franchise for gas transmission and distribution in the village. |
D-303 | 4-8-2014 | Repealing Ord. D-98, establishing a local policy for the provision of cable television service by franchise. |