§ 94.61 RABIES.
   (A)   It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees, whenever in its opinion the danger to the public safety from rabid cats is great or imminent, to issue a proclamation ordering all persons owning, keeping, or harboring any cat to confine it for a period of not less than 30 days or more than 90 days from the date of such proclamation or until such danger is passed. The cats may be harbored by any good and sufficient means in a house, garage, or yard on the premise wherein said owner may reside. Upon issuing the proclamation, it shall be the duty of all persons owning, keeping, or harboring any cat to confine the same as herein provided.
   (B)   Any cat suspected of being afflicted with rabies, which has bitten any person and caused an abrasion of the skin, shall be seized and impounded under the supervision of the Board of Health for a period of not less than ten days. If upon examination by a veterinarian, the cat has no clinical signs of rabies at the end of such impoundment, it may be released to the owner. If the owner of the cat or animal has proof of vaccination, it shall be confined by the owner or some other responsible person for a period of at least ten days, at which time the cat shall be examined by a licensed veterinarian at the owner's expense. If no signs of rabies are observed, the cat may be released from confinement.