When the owner or person in custody of the vehicle cannot be located by reasonable search, the notice specified above shall be attached to the vehicle or junk by the Chairperson and Board of Trustees. If any such vehicle is not removed with ten days from the attachment of such notice, such vehicle is declared to be abandoned property and the Chairperson and Board of Trustees or their duly authorized representatives shall remove or cause such vehicle to be removed to a suitable city storage area designated by the Chairperson and Board of Trustees. The vehicle, if it cannot be disposed of, pursuant to the provisions of Neb. RS 60-1902 and 60-1903, shall be stored for a period of not less than 60 days and the owner thereof shall be entitled to redeem the same by payment to the village of the actual costs of its removal and reasonable storage charges. If in the event that such vehicle is unclaimed at the end of 60 days, the Chairperson and Board of Trustees or their duly authorized representatives may dispose of it in accordance with the provisions of Neb. RS Ch. 60, Art. 19.
(Ord. D-175, passed 8-10-1999)