(A)   Upon submission of an application supplied by the city at least ten (10) days prior to the intended activity and approval by the city, the City Clerk shall issue a permit to solicit in the public roadway upon such terms and conditions as the city may impose in order to protect the health and welfare of the public, including, but not limited to number and age of persons allowed on the site; place of solicitation; hours of solicitation; and the presence or placement of any signage, advertising, or other devices used in the solicitation.
   (B)   Only the following persons or groups may apply for a permit:
      (1)   Non-profit organizations as designated by the Internal Revenue Service;
      (2)   Schools;
      (3)   Charity causes which will directly benefit (in the discretion of the city) a person or persons residing in Butler County or a person or persons who resided in Butler County but have temporarily left the county for medical treatment.
   (C)   All solicitors must be et least eighteen (18) years of age. All persons present must wear a fluorescent orange visibility vest or shirt. If an applicant desires persons under the age of eighteen (18) to solicit, the persons can be no younger than sixteen (16) years of age and must have one (1) adult for each person under the age of eighteen (18). The city reserves the right to exempt out any group of solicitors from the age requirements herein.
   (D)   The place of solicitation must be clearly viewable from both streams of traffic at least one hundred (100) yards in advance. The organization/person/persons obtaining a permit shall provide a sign at least one hundred (100) feet, but no more than two hundred (200) feet from the point of solicitation which clearly and legibly states the name of the organization soliciting and the name of the group or person benefitting from the solicitation.
   (E)   The city will set the times which the group or organization may solicit taking into account traffic patterns and daylight hours. No solicitation will be allowed outside of the following hours: Friday 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
   (F)   All solicitors who have received a permit must have said permit with them during solicitation.
(Ord. 2007-07, passed 6-14-07)
Cross reference:
   Penalty for violation, see § 66.999