(A)   The following individuals shall be required to file a financial disclosure statement:
      (1)   Elected city government officers;
      (2)   Candidates for office.
   (B)   The financial disclosure statement shall include the following information:
      (1)   Name of filer;
      (2)   Current business address, business telephone number and home address of filer;
      (3)   Title of filer’s public office or office sought;
      (4)   Occupations of filer and spouse;
      (5)   Positions held by the filer, his spouse and any member of the filer's immediate family in any business organization from which the filer, his spouse or any member of the filer's immediate family received income in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) during the preceding calendar year, and the name, address and telephone number of the business organization;
      (6)   Name and address of each source of income of the filer and his spouse from within the Commonwealth of Kentucky which exceeded five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) during the preceding calendar year;
      (7)   Name and address of each business organization located within the Commonwealth of Kentucky in which the filer, his spouse or any member of the filer's immediate family had an interest of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) or more during the preceding calendar year;
      (8)   The location of all commercial property within Butler County, in which the filer, his spouse or any member of the filer's immediate family had an interest of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or more during the preceding calendar year.
   (C)   It shall be the responsibility of every individual required to file a financial disclosure statement to secure the proper form for the disclosure statement from the office of the county court clerk. The county court clerk is under no duty to distribute the financial disclosure statement forms to any individual who may be required to file same.
   (D)   Each financial disclosure statement shall be signed and dated by the individual filing the same.
(Ord. 94-15, passed 12-8-94)