The duties and responsibilities of the City Administrative/City Clerk shall include, but are not limited to, the following (see KRS 83A.080):
   (A)   Advise the executive authority of the city in policy formulation on overall problems of the city;
   (B)   Have major responsibility for preparation and administration of operating and capital improvement budgets under the direction of the executive authority;
   (C)   Advise the executive authority of the city in the appointment of subordinate administrative personnel if not delegated appointment authority by appropriate order; and
   (D)   Having continuing direct relationships with operating department heads on implementation and administration of programs and policy;
   (E)   The City Administrative Officer/City Clerk is required to carry out all additional duties lawfully delegated by an executive order and has the same powers as the executive authority in carrying out these duties;
   (F)   The City Administrative Officer/City Clerk shall also: assist the Mayor in planning, organizing, supervising, coordinating and evaluating all activities and functions of the city; supervise all personnel assigned to the Administrative Department; supervise and/or perform research activities and provide advice to the executive authority regarding policy formulation and city problems; provide support for all boards, commissions, and committees established by the city; assists department directors with program implementation and administration; keep executive authority advised of financial condition of the city; assist Mayor and department directors in preparation of and administration of city operating and capital improvements budgets; represents city capital improvements budgets; represents city executive and/or legislative personnel at meeting and public functions; works with City Attorney and other representative of the legal professional in dealing with all legal issues confronting the city; attends all Council meetings; prepares and delivers oral and written reports as requested; insure that accurate records are prepared and maintained; review citizens’ complaints and/or inquiries and provide follow-up action where necessary; maintains liaison with various federal, state, and local agencies, including the news media; serves as personnel advisor to the Mayor; recommends personnel actions, including employment, promotions, salary increases, suspensions, dismissal, etc.; insures that accurate personnel files and payroll records are maintained; assist in preparation of requests for funding from state and federal agencies and insures that these funded programs/projects are administered properly; oversees bidding and procurement activities to assure that proper guidelines are administered;
   (G)   Maintenance and safekeeping of the permanent records of the city;
   (H)   Performance of the duties required of the “official custodian” pursuant to KRS 61.870 through 61.882;
   (I)   Possession of the seal of the city, if used;
   (J)   Performance of all duties and responsibilities required of the City Clerk by statute or ordinance;
   (K)   Keeping a true, full record of all the proceedings of City Council;
   (L)   Maintaining the financial books, records, and accounts of the city, including the property tax records, the collection of taxes, the payments of city expenses and the deposits of city funds into authorized financial institutions;
   (M)   Such other duties as the Mayor requires.
(Ord. 84-1, 1984; Am. Ord. 2015-12, passed 9-4-15)
Statutory reference:
   Duties of City Clerk, see KRS 83A.085