§ 20.003 OATH
   (A)   Oath. No official of the city shall enter upon the discharge of his duties of office, without first having taken the following oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and of the Constitution of the United States, and be faithful and true to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, so long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully execute, to the best of my ability, the office of ________, according to law; and I do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that, since the adoption of the present Constitution, I being a citizen of this United States, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons within this State, nor out of it, nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor have I acted as a second in carrying a challenge, nor aided or assisted any person thus offending, so help me God".
   (B)   Certification of oath. The person administering an oath of office to an elected officer shall certify, in writing, that the oath of office was administered, and the date of its administration. The said written certification shall be filed in accordance with the mandates of KRS Chapter 62.