(A) Vision clearance at corners and railroad crossings. Except as herein provided, no fence, wall, hedge, or other obstruction, above a height of thirty-six (36) inches, as measured above the curb level, shall be erected, placed, maintained, or continued in any zone, within that triangular portion of a corner lot formed by measuring fifty (50) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines of two (2) streets or of the right-of-way line of a street intersection with a and joining these points with a straight line. No type of tree, or planting, or other obstruction, shall be planted, placed, maintained, or continued in such a manner which would obstruct the vision clearance at corners.
(B) Classification of fences and walls. The following shall be the classification of fences and walls for this chapter:
(1) Masonry walls.
(2) Ornamental iron (eighty percent (80%) open).
(3) Woven wire (eighty percent (80%) open); and chain link.
(4) Wood or other materials (more than fifty percent (50%) open).
(5) Solid fences, wood or other materials (less than fifty percent (50%) open).
(6) Hedges.
(7) Barbed wire or sharp pointed fences.
(8) Earthen or concrete walls intended to contain or redirect flooding waters.
(C) Residential zones. Fences and/or walls within all residential (R) zones, including their applicable overlay zone, shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) The requirements for the residential (R) zones for residential uses only, are as set forth and depicted on Figure 1 of this chapter.
(2) The location, height, and type of all fences and/or walls within any area zoned shall be as approved by the planning commission.
(3) For all non-residential uses conditionally permitted in any residential zone herein, the requirements are as follows:
(a) Fences of class 2 or 3 only shall be permitted in front yards, including the front yard of corner lots, as governed by § 80.203. Said fences may be erected up to a maximum height of seventy-two (72) inches.
(b) Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 fences and/or walls may be erected in rear yard, up to a maximum height of seventy-two (72) inches, provided, however, for the following exceptions.
1. General purpose recreational areas may be enclosed with fences and/or walls of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 up to a maximum height of ninety-six (96) inches.
2. Class 3 fences (or a combination of 3 and 7) may be erected to enclose tennis courts or as backstops for baseball and/or softball fields, up to a maximum height of one hundred and forty-four (144) inches.
3. In the case of corner lots, as governed by § 80.203, fences of class 2 or 3 only may be erected, as regulated by the applicable provisions of this section.
(D) Commercial and industrial zones. Fences and/or walls within all commercial and industrial zones, including those permitted with all conditionally permitted uses in this zone shall conform to the following requirements: except as provided for in § 80.203, fences of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 may be erected in front, side, and rear yards of commercial zones, up to a maximum height of seventy-two (72) inches. In the case of corner lots, as governed by § 80.203, fences of class 2 or 3 only, may be erected up to a maximum height of seventy-two (72) inches. In all commercial and industrial zones, a combination of class 3 and 7 fence (chain link with three (3) strands of barbed wire) may be erected, including corner lots, as governed by § 80.203, up to a maximum height of eighty-four (84) inches.
(E) Measurement of all fence and/or wall heights and/or locations.
(1) All fences and/or wall heights shall be measured along the fence or wall locations.
(2) All locations for distance measurements shall be measured from lot lines.
(F) Height of any barbed wire or sharp pointed fences. In all zones, barbed wire or sharp pointed fences, where permitted, must start a minimum of sixty (60) inches above ground level.
(G) Height of fences atop retaining walls.
(1) A combination fence and retaining wall may be erected. The retaining wall portion may be erected up to the level of the higher finished grade. The fence portion must be of the class and height permitted within this chapter for the applicable zone. Said measurement shall be made at and along the location of the fence and retaining wall.
(2) No fence shall be erected, except as exempted or specified within this chapter, until all required fees have been paid to the proper authorities or their agents and the necessary permits have been issued for such by the zoning administrator and the building inspector in accordance with this chapter.
Figure 1

(Ord. passed 4- -23)