(A)   Intent. It is the intent of this district to provide areas for commercial development outside of the Central Business District. This development should be located along major highways and should be clustered with common highway access points wherever possible. Strip development with numerous highway access points should be discouraged.
   (B)   The planning and zoning board may attach such conditions to its approval as are deemed essential to the preservation of the character of the district as a historical area or general appearance of the area so as to improve its economic appearance.
   (C)   Although metal and prefabricated buildings are not prohibited in any area deemed by the zoning commission, all buildings and structures shall with the initial permit specify the type of veneer or siding to be exposed to the public ways and they shall provide for suitable veneer, in keeping with the surrounding area and the commercial and mixed residential areas so as to not depreciate the general appearance of the area. The zoning commission shall review such permits for approval and encourage beautifying veneer and discourage metal and wood siding not in conformity with the area. The permit shall further provide for landscaping, tree and shrub planting appropriate under each circumstance.
   (D)   Principal permitted uses. Other uses substantially similar to those listed herein shall also be deemed permitted.
      (1)   Retail businesses or services, unless prohibited herein.
      (2)   Personal services, unless prohibited herein.
      (3)   Offices, clerical or research facilities.
      (4)   Motor vehicle sales and services.
      (5)   Hotels and motels.
      (6)   Car washes.
      (7)   Veterinarians or kennels, providing such structure is one hundred (100) feet from any residential zone.
      (8)   Restaurants, convenience stores or fast-food establishments.
      (9)   Type I or Type II childcare centers.
      (10)   Places of amusement, assembly, or commercial recreational facilities.
      (11)   Public buildings, churches, trade, or vocational schools.
      (12)   Wholesale or retail outlet stores.
      (13)   Manufacturing or processing establishments incidental to retail functions only with no more than ten (10) employees which are non-hazardous and non-polluting and conducted fully within an enclosed building.
      (14)   Medical offices, clinics, and hospitals.
      (15)   Athletic club facilities.
      (16)   Schools for academic instruction.
      (17)   Pawnshops.
      (18)   Taxidermy establishments.
      (19)   Garden centers.
      (20)   Banks, credit agencies, security and commodity brokers, credit institutions, savings, and loans, holding and investment companies.
      (21)   Barber and beauty shops.
      (22)   Business colleges, technical or trade schools and institutions.
      (23)   Establishments for the display, sale, rental, service and repair of agricultural machinery, contractor equipment, trucks, automobiles, travel trailers, boats, motorcycles, mobile homes, and the supplies for such items.
      (24)   Automobile service stations are subject to all parking and landscaping requirements of this chapter.
      (25)   Laundromats.
      (26)   Indoor amusement establishments and arcades.
      (27)   Shops of special trade and general contractors such as plumbing, heating, carpentry, masonry, painting, metal work, printing, electrical, sign painting, tile, electroplating, terrazzo, drilling, excavating, wrecking, construction, and paving.
      (28)   Churches.
      (29)   Residential use provided those residential units are not mixed with nonresidential uses on the same floor unless separate entrances are provided for the residential and non-residential uses.
   (E)   Conditionally permitted uses requiring board of adjustment authorization.
      (1)   The following uses are special exceptions in a B-2 district and requiring written approval of the board of adjustment: apartments, multi-family dwellings, townhouses, and single-family dwellings, funeral homes and cemeteries, industry, public parks and noncommercial recreational facilities, schools, and philanthropic institutions and clubs (except those whose principal activities are carried on as a business).
      (2)   The board of adjustment may attach such conditions to its approval as are deemed necessary to protect and preserve the character of the district.
   (F)   Accessory buildings and uses. Any accessory buildings or uses customarily incidental to the permitted uses may be permitted.
   (G)   Mini warehouses/storage units. Which provide for rental, small storage facilities that are offered for use to the public. The P/Z Commission, when granting requests for mini-warehouse facilities, may limit the number of units provided, restrict the size or orientation of any structure, require screening, buffering, or landscaping, require a specific type of building material, require green landscape buffer areas, require storm water abatement measures, or impose any other requirement that it deems necessary to help the requested use blend into its unique surroundings.
   (H)   Storage/shipping containers. Storage/shipping containers, portable or mobile units are not considered to be used for rental, or small storage facilities that are offered for use to the public.
   (I)   Any outdoor storage area shall be completely screened with a six (6) foot high solid fence or wall from adjoining uses and streets and shall be landscaped and paved. Such outdoor storage areas shall not be used as vehicle impound yards or junk yards, as defined in this chapter or other local ordinances. Storage of vehicles shall be limited to those vehicles to be repaired on the premises. The P/Z Commission may establish additional conditions, which it believes are necessary to assure compatibility with neighboring uses.
   (J)   Required conditions.
      (1)   Screening. Where a commercial lot adjoins a residential lot, a well-maintained compact hedge, a solid fence, or similar solid screening device at least six (6) feet in height shall be installed to screen the business use from the adjoining lot in the residential district. The screen shall begin at the front building line and extend along the common side lot line to the rear property line.
      (2)   Access to streets and highways. As required in § 80.042 of this chapter.
   (K)   Lot area, frontage, and yard requirements.
      (1)   Minimum dimensional requirements:
         Lot area         No set dimensions
         Frontage         No set dimensions
         Front depth         25 feet
         (a)   In commercial districts along federal aid highways, buildings may be no closer to the highway right-of-way than fifty (50) feet.
            Side yard widths   No set dimensions
         (b)   However, if the lot adjoins a residential district, buildings shall be so located as to comply with the requirements of the adjoining residential district as to lot coverage, width and side yards.
            Rear yard depth   No set dimensions
         (c)   However, if the lot bounds on an alley, there shall be a rear depth sufficient for loading, unloading, and access for emergency vehicles such as fire trucks.
      (2)   All buildings on corner lots adjoining a residential district shall be located as to conform with corner lot side yard requirements of said residential district.
   (K)   Sign and/or billboard regulations. Governed by § 80.201 of this chapter.
(Ord. 88-12 Art. 4 (4.071-4.076), 1988; Am. Ord. passed 10-2-23; Am. Ord. passed 1- -24)