§ 67.006 LICENSES
   Under this chapter, a license shall be issued by the city only to the owners and/or operators of those establishments which qualify for licenses applicable to the City of Morgantown pursuant to KRS Chapter 243. Whenever any person or entity seeks a license from the Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control to manufacture, sale or traffic in alcoholic beverages within the city pursuant to some other provision of KRS Chapter 241 through 244, such state applicant shall apply to the city for any applicable city license for the privilege of manufacturing, sale and/or trafficking in alcoholic beverages with the city. City license fees, whether primary or supplemental, shall be assessed in accordance with KRS 243.070 and § 67.014. Regulatory license fees shall be assessed in accordance with KRS 243.075 and § 67.022.
(Ord. 2016-09, passed 11-10-16)