(A)   Intent. The intent of this zone is to encourage the sound expansion of the Central Business District and recognize the special relationship of the downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods. This zone will allow mixed uses while recognizing the general business character of the downtown and the residential character of the surrounding neighborhoods.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses. Any consumer and personal service and/or retail establishment.
      (1)   Retail businesses and retail services.
      (2)   Places for amusement and assembly.
      (3)   Manufacturing or processing establishments that do not create dust, smoke, noise, odor, or other pollution outside the lot on which it is located and do not employ more than ten (10) people.
      (4)   Personal service establishments.
      (5)   Restaurants.
      (6)   Professional offices.
      (7)   Governmental offices, laboratories, and facilities.
      (8)   Public/semi-public uses such as libraries, vocational or technical schools, churches, nursing homes, funeral homes, medical offices.
      (9)   Public utility installations, offices, storage, and maintenance facilities.
      (10)   Wholesaler retail outlets.
      (11)   Hotels, motels.
      (12)   Minor automobile and truck repair.
      (13)   Passenger transportation terminals.
      (14)   Athletic club facilities.
      (15)   Residential use provided those residential units are not mixed with nonresidential uses on the same floor unless separate entrances are provided for the residential and non-residential uses.
      (16)   Automobile service station provided it conforms to all general parking and landscaping requirements.
      (17)   Grocery stores and convenience stores whose primary function is the retail of food and sundry products.
   (C)   Conditionally permitted uses requiring board of adjustment authorization.
      (1)   The following uses are special exceptions in a B-1 district and require written approval of the board of adjustment: apartments, townhouses, and single-family dwellings, churches and other places of worship, parish houses, schools, daycare centers and nurseries, funeral homes, hospitals or clinics for human care, industry, and philanthropic institutions and clubs (except those whose principal activities are carried on as a business or commercial activity suitable to the district).
      (2)   The planning and zoning board may attach such conditions to its approval as are deemed essential to the preservation of the character of the district as a historical area or general appearance of the area so as to improve its economic appearance.
      (3)   Although metal and prefabricated buildings are not prohibited in any area deemed by the zoning commission, all buildings and structures shall with the initial permit specify the type of veneer or siding to be exposed to the public ways and they shall provide for suitable veneer, in keeping with the surrounding area and the commercial and mixed residential areas so as to not depreciate the general appearance of the area. The zoning commission shall review such permit for approval and encourage beautifying veneer and discourage metal and wood siding not in conformity with the area. The permit shall further provide for landscaping, tree and shrub planting appropriate under each circumstance.
   (D)   Accessory uses. Any accessory use or building customarily incidental to permitted uses may be permitted.
   (E)   Mini warehouses/storage units. Which provide for rental, small storage facilities that are offered for use to the public. The P/Z Commission when granting requests for mini-warehouse facilities may limit the number of units provided, restrict the size or orientation of any structure, require screening, buffering, or landscaping, require a specific type of building material, require green landscape buffer areas, require storm water abatement measures, or impose any other requirement that it deems necessary to help the requested use blend into its unique surroundings.
   (F)   Storage/shipping containers. Storage/shipping containers, portable or mobile units are not considered to be used for rental, or small storage facilities that are offered for use to the public.
   (G)   Signs. As permitted in § 80.201 of this chapter.
(Order. 88-12 Art. 4. (4.061-4.064), 1988; Am. Ord. passed 10-2-23; Am. Ord. passed 1- -24)