(A)   Intent. This district is intended to encourage low- to moderate-density residential development, including a compatible mixture of duplexes and triplexes with single-family residences. It is also the intent of this zone to allow the conversion of large, older homes.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses. Single- and multi-family residences and planned residential developments subject to Article V.
      (1)   Multi-family dwellings.
      (2)   Boarding houses for up to six (6) persons, not to exceed more than two (2) individuals per bedroom.
      (3)   Community residences.
      (4)   Townhouses except that no more than twelve (12) units may be attached.
   (C)   Conditionally permitted uses requiring board of adjustment authorization.
      (1)   The following uses are special exceptions in an R-3 district and require the written approval of the board of adjustment: churches and other places of worship, parish houses, public libraries, schools, daycare and/or nursery services, public parks and public recreational facilities, public utilities, funeral homes, cemeteries, nurses' homes, clinics and hospitals for human care, philanthropic institutions and clubs (except clubs of which the chief activity is customarily carrying on of a business).
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      (2)   Other conditionally permitted uses within an R-3 district may include: an office in the residence of a physician, dentist, lawyer, engineer, architect, realtor, insurance agent, the studio of an artist, a teacher of music (limited to one (1) pupil at a time). Such uses must not involve more than one-half (1/2) of the area of one (1) floor of the dwelling and no more than one (1) person not resident on the premises may be employed. It is further required that such use shall not require structural alteration or features not customary in dwellings. An indirectly lighted sign or name plate not more than one (1) square foot in area may be attached flat against the side of the building.
      (3)   Additional conditionally permitted R-3 uses may include such customary home occupations as handicraft, dressmaking, laundering, beauty and barber shops, etc. These occupations must be conducted exclusively by resident occupants in their place of residence, and not more than one-fourth (1/4) of the area of one (1) floor of the residence shall be used for such purpose. It is further required that within the exception of handicrafts, no more than twenty percent (20%) of the revenue of home occupations shall be derived from the sale of items at retail. The use of a residence for home occupations shall not require alteration, or structural features not customarily found in a dwelling. An indirectly lighted sign of not more than one (1) square foot may be affixed against the wall of the building.
      (4)   The planning and zoning board may attach such conditions as it deems necessary to preserve and protect the nature of the district.
      (5)   Additional conditionally permitted uses within R-1 an R-2 may include a home occupation, renting of sleeping rooms, music teaching, tutoring, tax and bookkeeping work, emergency and occasional medical treatment without stated regular hours, home sewing, home making and manufacturing for retailers such as fish bait making, labeling and mailing envelopes and literatures. The selling of any merchandise to general public shall be prohibited. This section shall not prohibit the owner's use of an R-1 and R-2 residence to make solicitation calls, calls to clients, customers, use their homes as an office for their personal business, such as an insurance debit. All home occupations shall not in any manner generate business traffic on a continuous regular basis as a retail or wholesale outlet. Home occupations shall not permit home storage for retail or delivery sales. Such activity shall not permit public advertisement to induce prospective customers to the R-1 or R-2 residence, or create area traffic or customer flow. Such activity shall occupy no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total floor area of the dwelling, garage area, out buildings included. Non-family help or employees are prohibited.
   (D)   Accessory buildings and uses. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the conditional uses shall be permitted.
   (E)   Height requirements. No principal structure in an R-3 district shall exceed three (3) stories, or thirty-six (36) feet in height.
   (F)   Lot area, frontage and yard requirements.
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      (1)   The minimum required lot size in an R-3 district shall be eight thousand (8,000) square feet for a single-family dwelling and eight thousand (8,000) square feet for the first family when the dwelling is for multi-family use with two thousand (2,000) square feet additional being required for each additional family occupying the building.
      (2)   Other dimension minimums:
         (a)   Yard space (except unattached buildings)
            Rear depth   25 feet
            Side widths   10 feet
            Front depth   25 feet
         (b)   Minimum width of side yards along intersecting streets shall be the same as front yard setback for the residential district on such side street.
(Ord. 88-12 Art. 4 (4.041-4.045), 1988; Am. Ord. passed 10-2-23)