(A)   Fire sprinkler system requirements. Automatic fire sprinkler systems are required to be installed in any new residential structure in Morgan County, if any of the following conditions exist:
      (1)   The structure:
         (a)   Is located in an wildland urban interface area as provided in the Utah Wildland Urban Interface Code adopted as a construction code under the State Construction Code; and
         (b)   Does not meet the requirements described in UCA § 65A-8- 203(4)(a) and Utah Administrative Code, R652-122-1300, Minimum Standards for County Wildland Fire Ordinance;
      (2)   The structure is in an area where a public water distribution system with fire hydrants does not exist as required in Utah Administrative Code, R309-550-5, Water Main Design;
      (3)   The only fire apparatus access road has a grade greater than 10% for more than 500 continual feet;
      (4)   The total floor area of all floor levels within the exterior walls of the dwelling unit exceeds 10,000 square feet; or
      (5)   The total floor area of all floor levels within the exterior walls of the dwelling unit is double the average of the total floor area of all floor levels of unsprinkled homes in the subdivision that are no larger than 10,000 square feet.
      (6)   Exception. A single-family dwelling does not require a fire sprinkler system if the dwelling:
         (a)   Is located outside the wildland urban interface;
         (b)   Is built in a one-lot subdivision; and
         (c)   Has 50 feet of defensible space on all sides that limits the propensity of fire spreading from the dwelling to another property.
      (7)   As a general rule, any residential structure that does not exceed 3,600 square feet of living space as defined in the International Residential Code is not required to install an automatic fire sprinkler system unless the authority having jurisdiction determines there is a substantial public health or safety interest to require installation of the same.
   (B)   Fire sprinkler system permits.
      (1)   Prior to permit approval, the Morgan County Bureau of Fire Prevention ("MCBFP") must receive and review all fire sprinkler system plans, calculations, and other information pertaining to the fire suppression system as well as the project's physical address, lot number, and building permit number.
      (2)   Fire sprinkler system plans must specify an approximate location of interior and exterior alarm notification appliance location in accordance with any other applicable code and be approved by MCBFP official.
   (C)   Fire sprinkler system completion. At the completion of the project, the fire sprinkler contractor must provide and/or verify that the following has been completed:
      (1)   Hydraulic design information sign. Provide a hydraulic design information sign for each design area on the riser to indicate the location of the design area, the discharge densities over the design area, the required flow and residual pressure demand at the base of riser and hose stream demand included in addition to the sprinkler demand (NFPA 13-24.5);
      (2)   Electric horn and strobe. Verify that power has been provided to the outside electric horn and strobe/interior alarms and that all are operational and in an approved location.
      (3)   Pressure gauges. Provide pressure gauges such that a gauge is located above and below the backflow prevention device and/or check valve on anti-freeze system, to measure the supply and system pressures.
      (4)   Sprinkler systems equipped with booster pumps. All equipment related to the operation of supplied booster pump must be labeled and distinguishable to prevent system failure.
      (5)   Address for structure. Verify that the general contractor has provided the correct address identification for the structure.
      (6)   Stock of spare sprinklers. Provide a supply of spare sprinklers in accordance with applicable standard:
         6.1.1   NFPA 13 Section 6.2.9 - Stock of Sprinklers.
         6.1.2   NFPA 13R Section 11.19 Sprinklers.
         6.1.3   NFPA 13D - Not Applicable.
      (7)   System acceptance. Upon completion of divisions (C)(1) - (6), the system shall be tested to verify system will operate as per design criteria submitted by the fire sprinkler contractor to MCBFP. Tests shall be approved by MCBFP.
(Ord. 24-05, passed 2-20-2024)