The Parks Commission shall be comprised of the Mayor, one member of Council, one Service employee, eight electors of the Village, not holding other municipal office, and a member of the Moreland Hills Historical Society, who has the right to attend and participate at all meetings of the Commission, but shall have no voting powers. The Members of the Parks Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council. In addition to the foregoing members of the Parks Commission, one high school student residing in Moreland Hills who has been selected by Council to participate in the Village's Student Civic Leadership Program may serve as a voting member of the Commission for one year in accordance with the provisions of the Program.
The Council representative shall serve a four-year term. The eight electors of the Village shall serve four-year terms. At the Mayor's request and with approval from Village Council, a community member may serve an additional term up to a total of two consecutive terms. A vacancy occurring during the term of any member of the Parks Commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner authorized for the original appointment.
(Ord. 2022-15. Passed 3-9-22.)