(A)   A regulatory license fee is imposed on the gross receipts of the sale of alcoholic beverages of each licenses issued under this chapter. The license fee for the effective date, July 19, 2004 shall be four percent (4%). Thereafter the City Council shall annually adopt at the budget adoption of each fiscal year, such percentage rates as shall be reasonably estimated to insure full reimbursement to the city for the cost of any additional policing, regulatory, or administrative expenses, related to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Such fee shall be in addition to any other tax, fee, or license permitted by law, but a credit against such fee shall be allowed in amount equal to the license or fee imposed this chapter and such regulatory fee shall be applied annually.
   (B)   Payment of such fee shall accompany the returns approved for such use by the city and shall be submitted to the City Clerk by the twentieth day of each month for the preceding month’s sales, one-twelfth of the annual license fee required under this chapter shall be deducted each month as credit.
   (C)   Failure to pay such monthly remittance within ten (10) days of the due date constitutes a violation and subjects licensee to suspension or revocation of said license by the Local Administrator.
   (D)   Penalty for failure to file a return and pay monthly remittance by the due date is twenty percent (20%) of the tax for each thirty (30) days or fraction thereof. The total late filing penalty shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the license fee provided, however, in no case shall the penalty be less than twenty percent (20%).
   (E)   Interest on unpaid license fee shall be calculated at the rate of one-half of one percent (.5%) against the total amount of license fee overdue at any time.
(Ord. 5:2000, passed 5-8-00; Am. Ord. 15:2004, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 12:2006, passed 6-12-06; Am. Ord. 28:2013, passed 11-11-13)