For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   “IMMINENT DANGER.” A condition which could cause serious or life- threatening injury or death at any time.
   “MOTOR VEHICLE, EQUIPMENT, AND MACHINERY REPAIR BUSINESS.” Those businesses whose primary purpose is the repair, service or maintenance of motor vehicles, equipment and machinery.
   “NON-RETAIL SALES BUSINESS.” Those businesses whose primary purpose is the sale of a service or a limited number of products to the general public or a select clientele.
   (A)   Any structure upon property which is unfit and unsafe for human habitation, occupancy or use or which is dangerous or injurious to the health or safety of the occupants of the structure, the occupants of neighboring structures, or to the residents of the city and the community.
   (B)   Any condition or use of premises, building exteriors or the property of other persons which includes, but is not limited to, the keeping or the depositing on or the scattering over the premises of any of the following:
      (1)   Lumber, junk, trash, debris;
      (2)   Weeds, grass, ashes, unattached trees and limbs and brush;
      (3)   Abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment, including, but not limited to automobiles, furniture, stoves, refrigerators, freezers, tractors, machinery, machinery parts, cans or containers;
      (4)   Pools of stagnant water or other waters which produce a hazard to the public health;
      (5)   Maintenance of a privy, animal pen or animal enclosure which results in a hazard to the public health or endangers or renders the abutting property or residence untenable.
   “RETAIL SALES BUSINESS.” Those businesses whose primary purpose is the selling or rental of new equipment, machinery, hardware materials or other products to the general public.
(Ord. 13:95, passed 5-8-95; Am. Ord. 28:96, passed 11-18-96; Am. Ord. 16:2003, passed 5-12-03)