The following uses and activities shall be exempted from § 91.03:
(A) All safety signals and warning devices (for example, intrusion alarms, backup alarms on trucks); authorized vehicles when responding to emergencies such as police, fire, ambulance, etc.; or any other device used to alert persons to an emergency or used during the conduct of emergency work.
(B) The provision, repair and maintenance of municipal services or public utilities.
(C) Bells, chimes or carillons used in conjunction with religious purposes, national celebrations or public holidays.
(D) Excavations or repairs on bridges, streets or highways by or on behalf of the city, county or state during the night when public welfare and convenience renders it not feasible to perform such work during the day.
(E) Musical, recreational and athletic events conducted by local government entities or public or parochial schools recognized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
(F) Construction operations from dusk to dawn on weekdays for which building permits have been issued or construction operations not requiring permit due to ownership of the project by an agency of government; providing all equipment is operated in accordance with all standard equipment, manufacturer’s mufflers and noise reducing equipment in use and in properly operating condition.
(G) Any domestic power equipment, including but not limited to, lawn mowers, weed eaters, blowers, mulching equipment or edgers, commonly used for routine household and/or lawn care maintenance.
(H) Activities permitted by special permit, as provided herein, according to the terms and conditions of said special permit.
(I) Activities permitted by public assembly permits according to the terms and conditions of said permit.
(J) The operation of aircraft in conformity with, or pursuant to, federal law, federal air regulations and/or air traffic control instructions.
(Ord. 16:2022, passed 11-7-22)