The following signs and/or sign features shall be prohibited in all zoning districts:
   (A)   Mobile signs.
   (B)   Roof signs that extend higher than the top of the roof.
   (C)   Flashing or blinking signs, except for permitted informational signs.
   (D)   Rotating or moving signs.
   (E)   Abandoned signs.
   (F)   Streamers, pennants and tag signs or similar signs or devices made of wood, plastic, metal or similar material, other than cloth, except when attached to a permitted temporary sign.
   (G)   Any sign which emits any noise or odor.
   (H)   Any free-standing sign, any portion of which overhangs any part of a building.
   (I)   Billboards with an electronic message display system.
   (J)   Signs in the public right-of-way.
   (K)   Handbills.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)