(A)   Permitted signs may be freestanding or wall mounted as specified herein. Such signs may be non-illuminated, directly illuminated, internally illuminated, or indirectly illuminated unless specified otherwise.
   (B)   Illuminated signs shall be located in a fashion which prevents all direct rays of light from shining beyond the property lines of the lot on which the sign is located.
   (C)   No light, sign or other advertising device shall be designed or erected in such a manner or location as to imitate or resemble any official traffic sign, signal or device or use any words, phrases, symbols or characters implying the existence of danger or the need to stop or maneuver the vehicle.
   (D)   No sign, except governmental signs, shall be attached to or painted on the surface of any tree, utility pole, or street light.
   (E)   Projecting signs shall have at least seven (7) feet of clearance above a road or sidewalk.
   (F)   Neon or other lighting and tubing signs shall not be permitted except where such lighting is used behind solid lettering to produce a "halo" effect, or where it is used indirectly. However, no such light may be used to outline buildings, structures or ornamental features.
   (G)   No sign (except for government signs), may be located within the required sight triangle of any intersection nor within or projecting into the public or private street right-of-way, except as specifically permitted herein.
   (H)   Freestanding, monument, and projecting face sign area shall be computed as follows:
      (1)   Double-faced signs shall have only one face counted in calculating the area.
      (2)   Sign with more than two (2) faces shall have the area calculated by summing the area of all sign faces and dividing by two (2).
      (3)   The area enclosing the perimeter of each cabinet shall be calculated to determine the area.
      (4)   The perimeter of the measurable area shall not include embellishments (e.g. pole covers, framing, or decorative roofing) provided there is no written copy on such embellishments.
      (5)   Maximum height shall be measured from the finished grade at the center of the sign and shall include the sign's base.
   (I)   Every sign, including those for which a permit is not required, shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
   (J)   Non-advertising signs such as murals, art or any other type of message or image painted directly to an external building wall require a conditional use permit in all zoning districts.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)