   The provisions of this section shall apply to the display, construction, erection, alterations, use, location, and maintenance of all new and existing signs within the city.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)
§ 154.203 EXEMPT SIGNS.
   The following signs are exempt from the requirement to obtain a sign permit:
   (A)   Signs not visible beyond the boundaries of the property upon which they are located.
   (B)   Government signs that are placed by government officers in the performance of their professional/elected duties.
   (C)   Temporary or permanent signs erected by public utility companies or construction companies in the performance of their professional duties.
   (D)   Vehicle signage when painted directly on a vehicle or attached magnetically.
   (E)   Temporary signage of four (4) square feet or smaller placed on or after April 15 and removed by the last day of May. Temporary signage of three (3) square feet or smaller placed on or after the first day of October and removed by November 15.
   (F)   Temporary signs for a new business for up to thirty (30) consecutive days from the first day of business. Exempt signage shall only be displayed on the property where the new business is located.
   (G)   Signage placed by realtors in the performance of their professional duties that is not located in the right-of-way or a public or private street.
   (H)   Window signage.
   (I)   Sponsorship signage at the City of Morehead Parks and Athletic Fields by the city or permitted booster clubs. Signs may be no larger than four (4) feet by eight (8) feet and be maintained by the club hanging the sign.
   (J)   Incidental signs.
   (K)   Historic markers.
   (L)   Directional signs.
   (M)   Change of copy on any sign where the framework or other structural elements are not altered.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)
   (A)   No sign regulated by this chapter, except as specifically exempted herein, shall be displayed, erected, relocated or altered unless all necessary permits have been issued by the Building Inspector.
   (B)   Permit applications forms may be obtained from the City Planner's office and must be completed in full with the following attached:
      (1)   A site plan and/or building elevation drawing, showing the location of the proposed sign(s) on the lot and/or building, including setbacks.
      (2)   Detailed sign information, including type of construction, method of illumination, dimensions, copy, method of mounting and/or erecting and other similar information.
      (3)   The written consent of the owner of the underlying real property or authorized agent.
      (4)   The required permit fees.
   (C)   If a sign is damaged in excess of fifty (50) percent of its replacement value or is temporarily or permanently removed, it shall require a new permit. In the case of a non-conforming sign, it shall be made to meet current code requirements.
   (D)   The Building Inspector shall maintain written records of all permits issued or formally denied and any conditions attached to approval of such permit requests. Signs may be erected or constructed only in compliance with the approved permit.
   (E)   Permit fees for signs are established in Title 15, Chapter 160: Zoning Fees in the City's Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)
   A legal, nonconforming sign may continue in existence as long as it is properly maintained in good condition. These provisions shall not prevent the repair or restoration to a safe condition of any sign, but a nonconforming sign shall not be:
   (A)   Changed to another nonconforming sign except where only the face or copy is changed;
   (B)   Structurally altered so as to increase the degree of nonconformity of the sign;
   (C)   Expanded or enlarged;
   (D)   Reestablished after its removal; or
   (E)   Moved to a new location on the building or lot.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)
§ 154.206 ILLEGAL SIGNS.
   All illegal signs shall be subject to immediate enforcement action by the Building Inspector, Administrative Assistant Building Inspector or any Code Enforcement Officer for the city in accordance with this chapter. Written records shall be maintained detailing enforcement action taken. Any person, business, corporation, etc. found in violation will be subject to the penalties set forth in § 154.993: Penalties.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)