(A)   Any tree or shrub used to meet landscape requirements shall not be located within proposed or existing utility easements unless it meets one of the following special exceptions:
      (1)   Written permission has been obtained from the holder of the utility easement.
      (2)   Where overhead utility lines cross an area required by this chapter to be planted with shade trees, smaller trees may be substituted.
   (B)   If the special exceptions above do not apply, the following options shall be considered in order of priority:
      (1)   Priority number one. Plant the trees as close to the easement as possible.
      (2)   Priority number two. In highly visible areas (street yards, front parking lots) plant the tree in the general area where it can be seen from the street or parking lot.
   (C)   Utility easements maybe used to meet landscape yard requirements. The applicant is responsible for identifying existing and proposed utility easements within the property as a part of the landscape site plan.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)