(A)   Intent. The intent is to provide transition between incompatible land uses and to protect the integrity of less intrusive uses from more intrusive uses; screening and buffering will be required. The purpose of the screen is to provide year-round visual obstruction. The buffer provides transition between incompatible uses by providing a landscaped yard of a specified depth along the shared property line.
   (B)   Screening/buffering requirements.
      (1)   The screening/buffering requirements for the city are identified in Table 187-1: Screening/Buffering Requirements. They are influenced by the zoning districts of the proposed development and the adjoining properties.
      (2)   All plantings shall be selected from and meet the installation and planting size requirement specified in § 154.188 : Plant Selection and Installation.
      (3)   In addition to trees and shrubs, the landscape yard shall include either turf-grass, ground cover plants, mulch, or a combination of these materials.
Applicable Zoning Districts
Screening/Buffering Required
Maximum level of screening when adjoining any other category.
B-1, B-2, B-3
Maximum level of screening when adjoining manufacturing/warehousing, high density residential, and low density residential. No requirement when adjoining the commercial category.
Maximum level of screening when adjoining manufacturing/warehousing, medium level when adjoining high and low density residential, and the minimum level when adjoining the commercial category.
Residential (high density)
Maximum level of screening when adjoining Residential (high density) R- 3 manufacturing/warehousing and low density residential, and the minimum level when adjoining commercial and public categories.
Residential (low density)
R-1, R-2
No requirement.
   (C)   Screening/buffering levels. Table 187-2: Screening/Buffering Levels illustrates the screening/buffering requirements for each level.
Screening/Buffering Requirement
Maximum Level
This level requires 30 feet deep (as measured toward the interior of the property) landscape yard along the shared property line. The landscape yard shall consist of evergreen trees spaced a maximum of 10 feet on center, or two staggered rows (spaced a maximum of seven feet apart) of evergreen shrubs spaced a maximum of eight feet on center and two rows of shade trees spaced a maximum of 35 feet on center.
Medium Level
This level requires 20 feet deep (as measured toward the interior of the property) landscape yard along the shared property line. The landscape yard shall consist of evergreen trees spaced a maximum of 10 feet on center, or two staggered rows (spaced a maximum of seven feet apart) or evergreen shrubs spaced a maximum of eight feet on center or two staggered rows (spaced a maximum of eight feet on center).
Minimum Level
This level requires 10 feet deep (as measured toward the interior of the property) landscape yard along the shared property line. The landscape yard shall consist of evergreen trees spaced a maximum of 10 feet on center or two staggered rows (spaced a maximum of eight feet on center).
   (D)   Screening of dumpsters. Dumpsters in any zoning district shall be screened as described below.
      (1)   Screening shall be a minimum height of six (6) feet.
      (2)   All four (4) sides of the dumpster shall be screened.
      (3)   The screen shall incorporate access to the dumpster by using a composite fence or other opaque material to serve as a gate.
      (4)   Screening materials may be any combination of evergreen plantings, composite, or masonry materials. In no case shall chain link be used.
   (E)   Stormwater facilities. Stormwater facilities may be in the landscape yard subject to the following restrictions:
      (1)   No rip-rap, crushed stone, concrete, asphalt, or other impervious surface materials are exposed; and
      (2)   Trees and other plant materials shall be planted along the stormwater facility.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)