(A)   Intent. The intent is to break up the expanse of pavement, to provide shade, to enhance appearance, and to reduce glare from parked vehicles and loading docks.
   (B)   Design criteria.
      (1)   No parking space can be more than sixty (60) feet from a tree.
      (2)   A landscaped island or peninsula shall border ends of interior parking bays that contain a minimum of ten (10) contiguous parking spaces.
      (3)   A landscaped peninsula shall border ends of perimeter bays.
      (4)   Side and front-facing truck delivery stalls and loading bays shall be screened from the public right-of-way.
      (5)   Landscaped islands and peninsulas shall have a minimum width of eight (8) feet and a minimum landscaped area of ninety-six (96) square feet.
      (6)   All landscaped islands or peninsulas shall be bordered by a curb or wheel stop.
      (7)   When a parking area for eight or more vehicles adjoins a residential zone, a buffer strip at least five (5) feet wide shall be provided between the parking area and the adjoining property. The buffer strip shall be attractively landscaped or provided with an approved vertical screening not less than five (5) feet in height. No fences or walls along any street side shall be permitted, only vertical screening to interior lot lines.
      (8 )   Parking lots for large retail and commercial developments (development s that include a retail or commercial use that is forty thousand (40,000) square feet or greater in size) shall be designed to include pedestrian walkways that are integrated into landscape medians between rows of parking, as shown in the below graphic, in order to provide safe pedestrian paths within large parking lots.
   (C)   Planting criteria.
      (1)   Landscaped islands and peninsulas shall be boarded by a curb or wheel stops.
      (2)   Trees used in islands and peninsulas shall have a minimum expected maturity height of twenty-five (25) feet in height and fifteen (15) feet canopy spread. Smaller trees may be substituted if:
         (a)   An overhead obstacle such as a canopy or utility line limits the tree height; or
         (b)   The tree is located within twenty (20) feet of a building;
      (3)   The material for screening loading locks and delivery stalls shall consist of the following:
         (a)   One (1) row of evergreen shrubs spaced at a minimum of five (5) feet on center; or
         (b)   One (1) row of evergreen trees spaced a maximum of ten (10) feet on center.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)