(A)   Intent. The intent is to add quality and definition to the street by planting trees, shrubs, turf, and/or ground covers within a landscaped area along the edge of the right-of-way.
   (B)   Dimensions.
      (1)   A street yard shall be provided where the proposed development site adjoins the public street right-of-way. Alleys and approved access points are exempt.
      (2)   The street yard shall have a minimum depth of five (5) feet from the public right-of-way, excluding any sidewalk area.
   (C)   Plantings.
      (1)   The street yard may consist of mulch, turf grass, and/or other natural living ground cover material, trees, and shrubs. No impervious surfaces are permitted in the street yard except at approved access points.
      (2)   Trees shall be planted in the street yard at a minimum ratio of one (1) tree per thirty-five (35) linear feet of right-of-way frontage.
      (3)   The minimum spacing between trees is fifteen (15) feet and the maximum spacing is fifty (50) feet, measured trunk-to-trunk.
      (4)   The trees to be planted in street yards shall have a minimum maturity height of twenty-five (25) feet and a minimum canopy spread of fifteen (15) feet.
      (5)   Low shrubs may be used to complement trees, turf, and ground covers in the street yard.
   (D)   Existing woodlands. Existing woodlands along the street right-of-way can be substituted for street yard requirements subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Existing woodlands shall have a minimum depth of twenty-five (25) feet as measured from the public right-of-way.
      (2)   The number of woodland trees (not including prohibited species) having a minimum caliper of six (6) inches shall equal or exceed the minimum street tree planting ratio of one (1) tree per thirty-five (35) linear feet.
      (3)   No impervious surfaces are permitted within the woodlands area except at approved access points.
      (4)   No cutting/tilling activities or storage of materials/equipment are permitted in woodland areas.
   (E)   Exceptions and special circumstances.
      (1)   Areas zoned R-1 and all single-family dwellings in the City of Morehead are exempt from street yard requirements.
      (2)   Existing street trees planted within the right-of-way (excluding street median or opposite side of the street) and approved by the Planning Commission can be used to meet the street tree requirements.
      (3)   When overhead power lines encroach into the street yard, a small tree may be planted within ten (10) lateral feet of overhead lines. A small or medium tree is to be used within ten (10) to twenty (20) lateral feet of overhead lines.
      (4)   Stormwater facilities may be located within the street yard subject to the following restrictions:
         (a)   No riprap, crushed stone, concrete, asphalt, or other impervious materials are exposed; and
         (b)   Trees and other plant materials shall be planted along the stormwater facility.
      (5)   With written approval of the right-of-way owner, portions of the public right-of-way may be used to meet street yard requirements.
      (6)   No street tree shall be located within twenty-five (25) feet of stop signs, yield signs, regulating or warning signs, ten (10) feet of fire hydrants, and fifteen (15) feet of driveway entrances. Only turf or groundcover plants may be planted within these designated distances.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)