Proposed developments subject to these regulations shall submit a landscape site plan to the City Planner for review and approval. This plan may be incorporated into a parking/paving plan or may be included in the overall development plan for a property. The following elements shall be shown on the landscape plan, which shall be drawn at a scale of one (1) inch to forty (40) feet or less:
   (A)   Zoning of the site and adjacent properties;
   (B)   Existing and proposed contours at two (2) feet intervals;
   (C)   Boundary lines and lot dimensions;
   (D)   Date, graphic scale, north arrow, title and name(s} or owner(s), and the address and phone number of the person or firm responsible for preparing the plan;
   (E)   Location of all proposed structures and storage areas;
   (F)   Drainage features and one hundred (100) year floodplain, if applicable;
   (G)   Parking lot layout including parking stalls, bays, and driving lanes, including the total number of parking spaces provided;
   (H)   Existing and proposed utility lines and easements;
   (I)   All paved surfaces, sidewalks, and curbs;
   (J)   Existing trees, shrubs, and/or natural areas to be retained;
   (K)   The location of all required landscaped areas (street yard, landscaped peninsulas, landscaped islands, and screening buffers);
   (L)   The location, installation size, and scientific and common names of landscaped materials to be installed;
   (M)   The spacing between trees and shrubs used for screening;
   (N)   Plant installation details (hole depth, hole width, staking, mulching, etc.); and
   (O)   For turf grass areas (seed or sad) show soli preparation fertilizer (analysis and rate), species to be used, and seeding rater or sod specifications.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)