(A) The City of Morehead shall apply for an EDC license.
(B) A business that is located within the EDC that sells alcoholic beverages shall hold the necessary alcoholic beverage license or licenses for its premises. A licensee within or adjacent to the EDC may sell alcoholic beverages from one or more non- permanent locations within any common area within the EDC if the licensee holds a supplemental bar license for each non-permanent location and the licensee holds written permission for these sales in accordance with this ordinance and in the manner required by the city.
(C) Written permission may be granted by the City Planner after a determination that the requirements listed in this ordinance and 804 KAR 4:730 have been met. If permission is denied by the City Planner for sale in a common area, the licensee may file an appeal of the decision to the Board of City Council who will conduct a hearing following the appeal whether to uphold or overturn the decision of the City Planner.
(D) During special events and beginning at 12:00 noon through 2:00 a.m., patrons may leave the premises of licensees located in or adjacent to the EDC with alcoholic beverage drinks and consume those drinks in any EDC common area or other licensed premises within the EDC if permitted by the licensee and if the city:
(1) Possess the common area by deed, lease, or permit;
(2) Provides adequate security for the common area;
(3) Ensures that the public streets are controlled in a manner that ensures public safety and pedestrian protection from vehicular traffic;
(4) Has granted written permission for the conduct to participating licensees per this section;
(5) Determines all special event permits and other licenses, fees or permits required by the city have been approved;
(6) Prohibits patrons from taking alcoholic beverages outside the physical boundaries of the EDC;
(7) No alcohol may be brought into the EDC from outside sources; and
(8) Requires any drinks that are removed from the licensed premises for authorized consumption within the EDC shall be in cups approved by the city.
(E) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize noncompliance with any law governing vehicle-related, open container restrictions or any other state statue or local ordinance or policy.
(Ord. 11:2020, passed 8-10-20)