The City of Morehead recognizes that social media provides a new and potentially valuable means of assisting the City of Morehead and its personnel in meeting community outreach, problem-solving, investigation, crime prevention, and related objectives. This policy identifies potential uses that may be explored or expanded upon as deemed reasonable by administrative and supervisory personnel. Further, the City of Morehead recognizes the role that these tools play in the lives of city government employee, both in their personal lives and official capacity and acknowledges that its employees have the right under the First Amendment, in certain circumstances, to speak out on matters of public concern not related to their official duties. However, the city will regulate the use of social media by employees, including employees’ personal use of social media, when such use interferes with or disrupts the work of the city, is used to harass coworkers or other members of city government, breaches confidentiality obligations of city employees, creates a hostile work environment or violates the law or city policies/ordinances.
(Ord. 02:2014, passed 2-10-14)