§ 39.15 PURPOSE.
   Use of internet social media sites is a popular activity. Employees are permitted to use personal social networking; however, employees must be mindful of the negative impact of inappropriate or unauthorized postings upon the City of Morehead and its relationship with the community. The purpose of this policy is to give employees guidance regarding inappropriate content for personal social media websites, web pages, and other electronically transmitted or hard copied material with respect to the city and to clearly identify prohibited activities by employees both on and off duty in order to protect the City of Morehead, its employees and Board of Council from harm as the result of inappropriate postings or inadvertent harmful postings. This policy is not meant to address one particular form of social media; rather social media in general, as advances in technology will occur and new tools will emerge. Further, the policy is not intended to hinder professional development of any employee or interfere with an employee’s First Amendment rights.
(Ord. 02:2014, passed 2-10-14)