Each year the Director of Tourism shall submit a written request to each of the above listed organizations, if in existence, requesting that said organizations submit its list of recommendations for the upcoming expiring term of the Commissioner(s); the lists to be submitted not later than May 30 of each year. In the event that the organizations or associations fail to submit the lists to the Director of Tourism by May 30 of each year, after having received written request at least thirty (30) days prior to May 30 to submit the lists, the Mayor of the city and the Judge Executive of Rowan County may appoint to the Commission any citizen resident and voter of Rowan County. The appointments shall be made not later than June 30 of each year.
(Ord. passed 10-13-75; Am. Ord. 35:2008, passed 10-13-08; Am. Ord. 08:2019, passed 3-11-19; Am. Ord. 33:2019, passed 12-9-19)