(a) The City Manager shall be the contracting officer of the City in charge of all purchases and shall award and execute all contracts on behalf of the City except franchises for public utility services. (Ref. Charter Section 5.3-I and J)
(b) The City Manager shall have the authority to make and enter into contracts, purchase equipment, supplies and materials, and authorize the performance of work and labor for the City without a separate resolution or ordinance, in amounts less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), subject to the funds for such expenditures having been duly appropriated and two quotations having been received and reviewed. The City Manager will make a monthly report to Council of said expenditures.
(c) When a proposed expenditure exceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), such expenditure shall first be authorized and directed by ordinance or resolution of the City Council and shall be made in accordance with competitive bidding requirements established by Chapter 159. (Ord. 2137-23. Passed 5-11-23.)