(a) Permitted Uses.
(1) Public water supply, treatment and operations facilities.
(2) Public parks and playgrounds.
(3) Public wastewater treatment, conveyance and operation facilities owned, operated and maintained by Montgomery County.
(4) Public and Private Air Strips for take off and landing only.
(1) Public utility uses as follows:
A. Electric and telephone substations.
B. Gas regulator and meter station buildings.
C. Electric and communication transmission towers and structures.
(2) Existing residences.
(3) Micro Antenna or wireless communication antenna attached to a pole located in the right-of way provided the antenna does not exceed more than twenty feet above the highest point of the separate antenna structure and the transmission and receiving equipment is limited to five cubic feet and located in an underground vault and positioned parallel to the road, and is situated on the non-road way side of the pole. Also provided that said facilities meet all standards as set in Chapter 1117 for "Telecommunications: Commercial Mobile Radio, Television and Radio Service Facilities".
(c) Nonconforming Uses.
(1) If a nonconforming use of any land, building or structure is discontinued for six months or more, any further use shall be in conformity to this District.
(Ord. 1203-97. Passed 7-10-97.)