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Official Zoning Map
1131.01    Adoption.
1131.02   Identification.
1131.03   Interpretation of district boundaries.
1131.04   Zoning of annexed land.
Definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1115 
Districts established - see P. & Z. 1133.01 
1131.01 ADOPTION.
   The districts established in Chapter 1133 as shown on the Official Zoning Map which, together with all explanatory matter thereon, are hereby adopted as part of this Zoning Code. (Ord. 1069-94. Passed 4-28-94.)
   The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor, and attested by the Municipal Clerk.
   (a)    The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor, attested by the Municipal Clerk, and bearing the seal of the City and the following words: "This is to certify that this is the Official Zoning Map referred to in Chapter 1131 of the Zoning Code of Moraine, Ohio," together with the date of the adoption of this Zoning Code.
   (b)    If, in accordance with the provisions of this Zoning Code and Ohio R.C. Chapter 713, changes are made in district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map promptly after the effective date of the amendment approved by Council, with an entry on the Official Zoning Map including the amending ordinance number, the date of passage of the ordinance, and the initials of the Municipal Clerk. The Zoning Map shall be annually certified for currency and accuracy.
   (c)    No changes of any nature shall be made in the Official Zoning Map or matter shown thereon except in conformity with the procedures set forth in this Zoning Code. Any unauthorized change of whatever kind by any person or persons shall be considered a violation of this Zoning Code and punishable as provided under the provisions of the Zoning Code.
   (d)    Regardless of the existence of purported copies of the Official Zoning Map which may from time to time be made or published, the Official Zoning Map which shall be located in the Division of Community Development shall be the final authority as to the current zoning status of land and water areas, buildings and other structures in the City. (Ord. 1069-94. Passed 4-28-94.)
   The Board of Zoning Appeals may authorize adjustments of district boundaries as follows:
     (a)    Where the street or lot layout actually on the ground, or as recorded, differs from the street and lot lines as shown on the Zoning Map, the Board, after notice to the owners of the property and after public hearing, shall interpret the maps in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of this Zoning Code for the particular section or district in question.
   (b)    To permit the extension of a district where the boundary line of a district divides a lot held in a single ownership on the effective date of this Zoning Code.
   (c)    To permit, where the boundary line of a district divides a tract of more than ten (10) acres under a single ownership, adjustment of such a line to conform with the topography of the ground where such a tract is being subdivided and when the preliminary plat of the subdivision has been officially approved; provided such a variation does not extend for a distance of more than 500 feet and does not come closer than 300 feet to any boundary of the tract. (Ord. 1069-94. Passed 4-28-94.)
   Whenever any area is annexed to the City, one (1) of the following conditions shall apply:
     (a)    Land that is zoned prior to annexation shall be classified as being in whichever district most closely conforms with the zoning that existed prior to annexation. Such classification shall be recommended for an interim period by the Planning Commission to Council, and Council shall approve the same after public hearing.
    (b)    Land not zoned prior to annexation shall be classified in the same manner into whichever district of this Zoning Code most closely conforms with the existing use of the annexed area, or in accordance with the master plan in the case of vacant land.
   (c)    In all cases, within three (3) months after the effective date of annexation, the Planning Commission shall recommend the appropriate permanent zoning districts for such area to Council, and the Map shall be amended according to the prescribed procedure set forth in Chapter 1127. (Ord. 1069-94. Passed 4-28-94.)