(a)    Completion or Assurance. No final plat of any subdivision shall be approved unless:
      (1)    The improvements listed in the following subsections have been completed; or
      (2)    The subdivider has filed with the City Engineer a surety bond, cashier's check or certified check guaranteeing to the City that such improvements will be constructed in accordance with the General Construction and Material Specifications for Streets and Sewers and in accordance with the Standard Drawings for Street Improvements and Storm Sewer Appurtenances which may be in effect at the time and which have been issued by the City Engineer. Such improvements shall be constructed within such period of time as may be specified by the City Engineer but not to exceed two years and shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition during the interim period that the abutting properties are being occupied prior to final acceptance of the improvement by the City. The bond or check shall be approved by the Law Director as to form and shall be made payable to and enforceable by the City.
      (3)    The performance bond may provide for ninety percent (90%) release of the penal amounts of the items as completed and a release of the withheld ten percent (10%) after all improvements have been completed and accepted by the City.
   (b)    Street Improvements.
      (1)    Street grading. All streets and thoroughfares shall be graded to their full width of their right of way including side slopes.
      (2)    Under drainage. Adequate under drainage shall be provided wherever good engineering practice dictates.
      (3)    Street surfacing width. Minimum street surfacing widths shall be as follows:
                        Variable according to
      Major Streets (Feet)             Thoroughfare Plan
   Residential streets       31          Back to back of curbs
      Industrial streets
      Class I       37          Back to back of curbs
      Class II       31          Back to back of curbs
   Marginal access streets    31          Back to back of curbs
       (4)    Curb and gutter. Curb and gutter of a type approved by the City Engineer shall be provided for all thoroughfare, residential, industrial and marginal access streets within any subdivision.
      (5)    Street islands and boulevards. Where the subdivider proposes boulevards or street islands in his street layout, the subdivider shall make suitable plans for landscaping the boulevard or island areas. All such landscaping plans, shall be approved as to height, size and type of plant material by the City Engineer.
      (6)    Pavement surfaces. All streets shall be surfaced with either asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete and all alleys shall be surfaced with Portland cement concrete of such composition and dimensions as shown in the Standard Drawings of the City.
      (7)    Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the determination of the Planning Commission.
      (8)    Street name signs. Reflectorized street name signs shall be provided at all street intersections or where a change of direction of a street requires a change of street name. The signs shall be of the size and type approved for use by the City. Normally, one sign shall be required at each residential intersection. However, more may be required depending upon the character or width of streets.
   (c)    Water Lines.
      (1)    Where an approved public water supply is within reasonable access to the subdivision as determined by the number of lots and the distance from and capacity of existing mains, each lot within the subdivision shall be provided with a connection to such water supply. All water lines shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City standards.
         (Ord. 304. Passed 4-14-70.)
       (2)    No plat shall be approved unless the water lines serving the plat are constructed, designed and can supply sufficient continuous pressure and flow to qualify and meet Montgomery County requirements.
         (Ord. 509. Passed 2-22-79.)
   (d)    Sanitary Sewers. Where a public sanitary sewer is within reasonable access of the subdivision as determined by number of lots and the distance from and capacity of existing sewer lines and topography, each lot therein shall be provided with a connection to each sanitary sewer. All sewers shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City standards.
(Ord. 304. Passed 4-14-70.)
   (e)    Storm Drainage.
      (1)    Within the City. All necessary facilities, including underground pipe, manholes, inlets, catch basins and other appurtenances necessary to provide adequate drainage for the plat or to maintain any natural drainage course shall be the responsibility of the developer up to and including a forty-eight inch pipe regardless of the size of the plat. Where a storm sewer in excess of forty-eight inches is necessary to provide drainage for the plat, excluding drainage from about the plat, the cost shall be the responsibility of the developer.
   Open drainage ditches may be permitted where in the judgment of the City Engineer conditions are such as to require a storm sewer in excess of sixty-six inches and where such open ditches will not in the judgment of the County Health Commissioner result in health hazards and where proper safety measures are taken. All storm sewer and open drainage ditches shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City standards.
         (Ord. 952-91. Passed 11-26-91.)
      (2)    Within the three-mile area. All necessary facilities including underground pipe, manholes, inlets, catch basins and other appurtenances necessary to provide adequate drainage for the plat or to maintain any natural drainage course shall be the responsibility of the developer. Open drainage ditches may be permitted where the physical conditions are such that, in the judgment of the City Engineer, a storm sewer in excess of sixty-six inches is required and where such open ditches will not in the judgment of the County Board of Health result in health hazards, and where proper safety measures are taken. All storm sewer and open drainage ditches shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City standards.
      (3)    Natural water drainage ways. All natural water drainage ways shall be preserved at their natural gradient unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer. Drainage channels, slopes and swales shall be established on the lots by the developer for the convenience of moving surface water to the street or public storm sewer system and are to be maintained continuously by the lot owners. No material shall be moved from or placed on any lot which obstructs, retards or changes the direction of flow of water through these channels or swales.
   (f)    Monuments and Stakes. Monuments and stakes shall be set as follows:
      (1)    Location. Permanent monuments of a design approved by the City Engineer shall be accurately set and established at the change of direction of all outside boundary lines of the plat, at intersections of those boundary lines with all street lines, at the beginning and end of all curves, at points of curbs where the radius or direction changes, and at such other points as are necessary to definitely establish all lines of the plat, except those outlining individual lots.
      (2)    Specifications. Monuments, if concrete, shall not be less than thirty inches in length, neatly dressed so as to have a top surface of not less than four inches square. The monument shall have a one inch iron pin at least six inches long set flush with the top of the monument. Iron pins at least one inch in diameter and thirty inches long shall be accepted in lieu of concrete monuments.
      (3)    Lot corner markers. Permanent iron pins at least twenty-four inches long and three-quarters of an inch in diameter.
   (g)   Street Trees. Street trees, where provided, shall be so located as not to create a traffic hazard.
   (h)    Plans, Specifications and Supervision. All of the improvements required in this section shall be constructed only after the plans and specifications thereof have been approved by the appropriate public official, including the City Engineer, County Sanitary Engineer and the County Board of Health.
(Ord. 304. Passed 4-14-70.)