(a) Relation to Adjoining Street System. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of the principal existing streets in adjoining areas or their proper projection where adjoining and is not subdivided insofar as they are necessary for public requirements. The width of streets in new subdivisions shall not be less than the minimum widths established herein. The street and alley arrangement shall be such as not to cause a hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it. Residential streets shall be so designed as to discourage through traffic, but offset streets shall be avoided.
(b) Marginal Access Street. Whenever a subdivision has frontage upon a major thoroughfare, the Planning Commission may require that the plat layout make provision for a marginal access street parallel and adjacent to the thoroughfare to provide access to the abutting lots. When provision is made for a marginal access street, the subdivider is not required to provide improvements on the adjacent thoroughfare.
(c) Angle of Intersection. The angle of intersection between minor streets and major streets shall not vary more than ten degrees (10°) from a right angle. All other streets shall intersect each other as near to a right angle as possible and no intersection of streets at angles of less than sixty degrees (60°) be permitted.
(d) Rounding of Property Corners.
(1) At all street intersections the corner of property lines shall be rounded by a radius of not less than fifteen feet.
(2) In business districts a cut-off corner may be substituted in place of a circular arc. Where two alleys intersect, an eight foot cut-off shall be provided.
(e) Private Streets and Reserve Strips.
(1) Private streets shall not be approved.
(2) Reserve strips shall not be approved except where their control is definitely placed in the City or County under conditions approved by the Planning Commission.
(f) Streets and Other Public Ways.
Classification Right-of-Way Width (Feet) Major streets as shown on the Variable as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan Thoroughfare Plan Streets not shown on the Thoroughfare Plan: Residential streets 50 Industrial streets, Class I 60 Industrial streets, Class II* 50 Marginal access streets ** 50 Alleys 20 Crosswalkways 10 Utility easements 15 |
* Industrial street, Class II is one that is approved with the stipulation that no on- street parking is allowed.
** Short cul-de-sac or loop streets may also be approved with fifty-foot right of way after proper analysis by the Planning Commission.
This utility easement is not considered as being additional to the right-of-way width. These easements will usually be required when utility lines are along the sides or the rear of lots.
(1) Additional street right-of-way width may be required to assure adequate access, circulation and parking in subdivisions within high density residential areas, commercial areas and industrial areas.
(2) Where a proposed subdivision abuts or contains an existing street of inadequate right-of-way width, additional right-of-way width for the existing street may be required in conformance with the above standards.
(3) A dead-end street may be established but there shall be provided a cul-de sac at the closed end.
(4) Half-streets: Dedication of half-streets shall not be permitted except in special situations. Where there exists a dedicated or platted half-street or alley adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half shall be platted if deemed necessary.
(5) Alleys: Alleys shall not be permitted in residential districts. Alleys are required in the rear of all commercial and industrial lots if no other provisions are made for adequate service access or for parking. Dead-end alleys shall not be permitted.
(6) Street names and house numbers: Names of new streets shall not duplicate existing or platted street names unless a new street is a continuation of, or in alignment with an existing or platted street.
(7) House numbers shall be assigned in accordance with the house numbering system in effect in the City and in the County.
(g) Easements. Easements of at least seven and one-half feet in width shall be provided on each side of all rear lot lines and along side lot lines, where necessary, for public utilities, such as gas, electric, telephone, storm and sanitary sewers, water or other mains or for surface drainage swales. Easements of greater width may be required along or across lots where necessary for the extension of main sewers or other utilities or where both water and sewer lines are located in the same easement. A two-foot easement shall be required on both sides of an alley to accommodate pole lines.
(h) Blocks. No block shall be longer than 1,500 feet or shorter than 300 feet in length, except where unusual topographic conditions or other physical features warrant a greater or shorter length. Where a subdivision adjoins a major thoroughfare, the long dimension of the block shall front along such major thoroughfare to avoid unnecessary ingress or egress.
(i) Crosswalks. A dedicated crosswalk or easement not less than ten feet in width may be required to provide proper access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers and other facilities.
(j) Lots. Lots in subdivisions shall meet the following standards:
(1) Arrangement. The lot arrangement and design shall be such that all lots will provide building sites properly related to topography and the character of surrounding development and having frontage upon a public street or road.
(2) Lot lines. All side lot lines of lots shall be at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines except where a variation to this rule will provide a better street and lot layout.
(3) Double frontage. Lots with double frontage shall not be approved except to avoid frontage upon heavily traveled thoroughfares or to adjust to other unusual circumstances.
(4) Lot sizes.
A. City of Moraine. No lot in the City of Moraine shall have a width of less than sixty feet at the building line except the following:
1. The minimum width for a lot in a mobile home subdivision shall be forty-five feet.
B. Three-mile Area Single or Two-family Development. Pursuant to provisions of Ohio R.C. 711.10, lots in the three-mile jurisdictional area of the City of Moraine which are to be used for single or two- family residences shall conform in area and width to the requirements of Subdivision Regulations for Montgomery County, Ohio, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners by Resolution 663 on May 19, 1955, or subsequent amendments thereto.
C. Three-mile Area Multi-family Development. Pursuant to provisions of Ohio R.C. 711.10, lots in the three-mile jurisdictional area of the City of Moraine designed for multiple-family development, shall conform in area and width to the requirements of Subdivision Regulations for Montgomery County, Ohio, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners by Resolution 663 on May 19, 1955, or subsequent amendments thereto.
D. Water Only. Lots which cannot be served by a public sanitary sewer but can be served by public water supply mains, shall have a minimum width of seventy feet at the building line and an area of not less than 10,000 square feet.
E. Sewer Only. Lots which cannot be served by a public water supply main but can be served by a sanitary sewer for that district shall have a minimum width of seventy feet at the building line and an area of not less than 10,000 square feet.
F. No Sewer or Water. Lots which cannot be served by a public sanitary sewer or a public water supply main shall have a minimum width of 100 feet at the building line and an area of not less than 20,000 square feet.
G. Unusual Conditions. In a case of unusual soil conditions or other physical factors which may impair the health and safety of the neighborhood in which a subdivision is located, the Planning Commission may require larger lot widths and lot areas as may be necessary.
H. Zoning. Where compliance with existing zoning regulations will result in a requirement for a greater lot area or width than the standards set forth herein, the more restrictive requirements shall take precedence.
I. Corner Lots. Corner lots shall be of sufficient width to permit an adequate building setback line for each street upon which the lot abuts.
J. Building Lines. Where the subdivided area is to be used for residential purposes, the subdivider shall establish building lines in accordance with the character of the development, but in no case shall the front building line be less than that established by the zoning or less than twenty-five feet from the right of way of the street or thoroughfare. Restrictions requiring buildings to be set back of such building lines shall be shown on the plat.
K. Public Sites and Open Spaces. Where a site for a proposed park, playground, school or other public use which is shown upon the Comprehensive Plan for the City or County is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the Planning Commission may require the subdivider to grant the appropriate public agency an opportunity to acquire such areas within the subdivision.
L. Easements Along Streams. Whenever any stream or important surface drainage course is located in the area being subdivided, and open drainage is to be permitted, the subdivider shall provide an adequate easement along each side of the stream or open drainage course for the purpose of widening, deepening, relocating, improving or protecting the stream or open drainage course for drainage or recreational use.
M. Land Subject to Flooding. The right is reserved to disapprove any subdivision which is subject to periodic flooding or which contains extremely poor drainage facilities. However, if the subdivider agrees to make such improvements as will make the area safe for residential occupancy, the subdivision may be approved, subject, however, to the approval of the County Board of Health.
(Ord. 304. Passed 4-14-70.)