Nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to materially impede vision between a height of two feet (2') and eight feet (8') above street grade where it will interfere with traffic or pedestrian visibility at an intersection or from a driveway or alley to a public way.
A. Corner Lots: On a corner lot, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to materially impede vision between a height of two feet (2') and eight feet (8') within forty feet (40') from the intersecting curb lines, or within twenty five feet (25') from the intersecting property lines if there is no curb. Exception: Corner lots in districts in which the required front yard and/or side yard setbacks are zero (e.g., MU-1) may be exempt from this requirement, if approved by the city engineer.
B. Fences, Walls, Hedges, And Structures:
1. Front Yard: In required front yards, fences, walls, hedges, and structures shall be at least seventy five percent (75%) open to passage of air and light.
2. Street Side Yard: Within ten feet (10') of a driveway or alley in a required side yard abutting a street, any portion of a fence, wall, hedge or structure exceeding twenty four inches (24") in height shall be at least seventy five percent (75%) open to passage of air and light. (Ord. 2008-2, 2-19-2008)