All single-family detached homes except as otherwise approved by PUD shall:
   A.   Be constructed upon a permanent foundation that meets the requirements of the state building code.
   B.   Not be less than twenty two feet (22') in width. Width measurements shall not take account of overhang and other projections beyond the principal walls.
   C.   The exterior material on all single-family dwellings must be of a color, material and scale customarily used on existing dwellings within the general area. The exterior material must extend to within eight inches (8") of the ground and an opaque surface extend from the bottom of the exterior material to the ground level, except that when a solid concrete or masonry perimeter foundation is used the exterior covering material need not extend below the top of the foundation. The exterior material skirting a piered or wood foundation must be securely fastened to the foundation via a frame or similar construction to the walls of the dwelling.
   D.   The roof on all single-family dwellings must be pitched with a minimum vertical rise of four inches (4") for each twelve inches (12") of horizontal run and must consist of shingles or other nonreflective roof material customarily used for conventional dwellings, and other such passive spaces shall be exempt from the roof pitch requirement. (Ord. 2004-40, 1-3-2005)