All off-sale liquor licensees may make deliveries of intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent malt liquor within the State of Minnesota to a purchaser; provided, however, that such delivery shall be made only to a person twenty one (21) years of age or older, and then only to the person who originally made the order. Any deliveries pursuant to this section must occur during hours when sales of intoxicating liquors otherwise would be legal, except no delivery of alcohol to an off-sale licensee may be made by a wholesaler or accepted by an off-sale licensee on a Sunday. No order solicitation or merchandising may be made by a wholesaler on a Sunday. Deliveries pursuant to this section shall be documented by the liquor license holder, said documentation to include a delivery invoice indicating the name of the person who purchased and paid for the order, the approximate time of the order, the signature of the person accepting said delivery and the time of the delivery, the name and address of the sellers, and the signature of the person delivering the order. The invoice shall also itemize the number, size and brands of intoxicating liquor and/or 3.2 percent malt liquor to be delivered, and proof of age. Proof of age shall be determined only by a valid driver's license or Minnesota identification card containing a picture identification. All license holders must make said delivery record available to inspection by authorized City personnel upon their request and must keep said records upon the licensed premises for one year from date of delivery for inspection pursuant to section 2-3-10 of this chapter. (Ord. 2017-12, 9-25-2017)