(A)   Any person or landowner who develops or engages in development activities on land or a development site subject to the provisions of this subchapter must first obtain a stormwater management plan approval (SWMPA) from the stormwater office. A permit is obtained by first submitting a stormwater management plan (SWMP) to the stormwater office, which shall include the following:
      (1)   Complete set of plans including a title page with location and vicinity maps, existing and proposed condition plan sheets, construction details and erosion control plans all sealed by a registered professional. A plan and profile of the proposed drainage system shall be provided. Individual sheets shall be required for existing topography, proposed topography, erosion control, plan and profiles and details. All sheets shall be 24 inches by 36 inches;
      (2)   Mineral extraction operations seeking a SWMPA shall submit the following additional materials with their proposed stormwater management plan (SWMP): A certified survey showing the number and proximity of residents within the adjoining area (per 312 I.A.C. 2-3-2); a copy of the approved driveway permit with all transportation and drainage easements and rights-of-way granted by the applicant along public ways and waterways; and a reclamation plan. Any changes in a plan approved by the stormwater office must be submitted to the stormwater office and re-approved as a revision. Additional hourly review fees will be applicable to this revision review;
      (3)   A drainage narrative describing the existing and proposed conditions and runoff patterns and complete documentation of all calculations and assumptions. This narrative shall be sealed by a registered professional; and
      (4)   All SWMP submittals must meet the requirements of this subchapter and the provisions of the Stormwater Design Manual. A written narrative is required with the submittal stating that the drainage plans are in compliance with the provisions of this subchapter and the Stormwater Design Manual.
   (B)   The stormwater office may require such additional information to be included in a drainage plan that is necessary to evaluate and determine the adequacy of the proposed drainage and water quality facilities.
   (C)   At such time as the stormwater office determines that all requirements of this subchapter are met, a formal notice of approval (SWMPA) shall be issued by the stormwater office.
   (D)   Any construction project holding a SWMPA, determined to be inconsistent with plans previously approved by the stormwater office may be subject to the provisions of § 152.17 of this code. Any changes in a set of SWMP approved by the stormwater office must be submitted to the stormwater office and re-approved as a revision. Additional hourly review fees will be applicable to this revision review.
   (E)   A SWMPA shall expire two calendar years from the date of issuance. At expiration previously permitted development underway may continue construction activities under the terms of the original SWMPA. Previously approved development not underway at the time of expiration shall be required to obtain a new SWMPA per this subchapter prior to the initiation of construction activities.
(Ord. 3, 2012, passed 1- -2012)