(A)   Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners.
      (1)   A Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners is established for the town, and three Commissioners shall be appointed by the town legislative body pursuant to I.C. 36-8-9-3.1.
      (2)   The town’s Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners shall be governed by I.C. 36-8-9 et seq. and all amendments thereto.
      (3)   The initial salary of the members of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners shall be $0.
   (B)   Police reserve program. Officers in the reserve program shall be appointed by the Chief of Police with final approval by the town’s Metropolitan Police Commission. Officers in the reserve program shall be known as the town’s reserve police officers.
      (1)   Goals. The goals of the reserve officer program are as follows:
         (a)   To establish a quality reserve program that maximizes the resources of the reserve officers whether they are young people interested in starting a career in law enforcement or career officers winding down a career and to provide services to the Police Department that enhance normal police officers’ abilities to perform their duties in a manner that maximizes their capabilities;
         (b)   To have the reserve program serve the community and represent the Department in a manner that is consistent with public trust and pride through training and dedication; and
         (c)   To develop reserve officers that are efficient, knowledgeable and dedicated to carrying out the missions of the reserve program through actions consistent with Police Department policies in general.
      (2)   Qualifications. There shall be five officers in the reserve program, unless the Council determines during the annual budget process that more or less are needed. Any benefits such as uniforms or equipment shall not be considered compensation. Reserve officers shall undergo the same selection process as full-time officers. Police reserve officers may not be members of the regular Police Department, but shall have all of the same police powers as regular members, except as limited by the rules of the Department, in accordance with I.C. 36-8-3-20, as amended. A police reserve is a probationary position for the initial one year from the date of appointment.
         (a)   All police reserves must be at least 21 years of age.
         (b)   All police reserves must have a valid driver’s license.
         (c)   All police reserves must pass a criminal background investigation and criminal history test; they shall not have any felony or misdemeanor convictions.
         (d)   All police reserves must meet the residential requirement of the Department.
         (e)   All police reserves must first complete a pre-basic law enforcement course certified by the state’s Law Enforcement Training Board or complete the reserve course certified by the state’s Law Enforcement Training Board before the date of appointment.
         (f)   All police reserves must attend all mandatory in-service Department training.
         (g)   All police reserves shall be required to work a minimum of 16 hours per month.
         (h)   All police reserves must follow all Department rules and regulations, policies and standard operating procedures.
         (i)   All police reserves shall be under the direct supervision of the Chief of Police or any other officer falling within the chain of command as designated by the Chief of Police.
         (j)   All police reserves shall be subject to dismissal by the Chief of Police of the town.
         (k)   Probationary reserve officers shall not perform patrol functions with other probationary officers.
         (l)   Probationary reserve officers shall not have civilian riders.
         (m)   Reserve officers shall not receive any compensation while utilizing the town’s Police Department property or uniforms, other than that permitted through the Chief of Police.
         (n)   Reserve officers will be required to complete the firearms training course (including the use of force training) and emergency vehicle operations course before being released to patrol on their own.
         (o)   A reserve officer’s authority is limited by the training received to date. Reserve officers will be required to complete the field training program within the first probationary year in order to be eligible for final appointment and being taken off probation.
      (3)   Uniforms and equipment. Uniforms and equipment for reserve officers are the same as those for full-time officers performing like conditions.
         (a)   Reserve officers will wear the same uniform as full-time officers. Identification of reserve officers shall designate the reserve officer status.
         (b)   Equipment issued to reserve officers will be the same as the full-time officers for the functions that the reserve officer will perform.
      (4)   In-service training. Reserve officers will be required to receive in-service training equivalent to that statutorily required for full-time officers performing like functions.
      (5)   Use of force training. Reserve officers shall train in use of force policies and shall be tested for firearms proficiency with the same frequency as full-time officers.
(Ord. 3, 1997, passed 1-1-1997; Ord. 3, 2000, passed 4-18-2000; Ord. 7-2021, passed 5-18-2021)