(A)   Any person, business, organization or corporation not specifically herein excluded, desiring to engage in the business of an itinerant merchant or solicitor, as defined in § 110.16 of this code, shall make application in writing to the Town Clerk-Treasurer for a license at such times as the office of the Clerk-Treasurer is open for business.
   (B)   Such application shall state the name of the applicant; the organization he or she represents; residence of the applicant; the place where such business is to be conducted; the kind of goods to be sold; the length of time for which the license is desired; and the price to be charged for any item or items offered for sale.
   (C)   Upon the filing of such application, the following license fee shall be charged by the Clerk-Treasurer:
      (1)   For one day but not more than six days: $5 per day; and
      (2)   For more than seven days, but less than 31 days: $30 per week and an additional $25 for any fractional week after the first seven days.
   (D)   All such license fees shall be paid in advance as well as any renewal thereof.
(Ord. 17-1994, passed 11-1-1994)