(A)   Applications for permits to install, maintain and operate an alarm system (alarm user permit) shall be filed with the Police Chief of the town and thereafter renewable on an annual basis by the first of the month that the initial permit was issued each year.
   (B)   The alarm user applying for the authorization required shall state on the application form his or her name, the address of the business or business in or upon which the alarm system has been or will be installed, his or her telephone number, the type of alarm system (local, burglar-signaling device, holdup-signaling device, fire-signaling device, medical-signaling device), the alarm equipment supplier selling, installing, monitoring, inspecting, responding to and/or maintaining the alarm system and the name and telephone number of at least two other persons (in the case of a corporate alarm user applicant, at least three persons) who can be reached at any time, day or night, and who can open the premises in which the system is installed.
   (C)   The alarm user shall update any changes in the name, residence, address or phone number of the person or persons who can be reached at any time who is authorized to deal with police authorities and who can open the premises in which the system is installed. The information contained in an alarm user authorization application required by this section and other information received by the Police Chief through correspondence, or communications with an alarm user, shall be securely maintained and restricted to inspection only by the Police Chief or town employees specifically assigned the responsibility for handling and processing alarm user authorizations in the town. Town officials and employees assigned the foregoing duties shall not knowingly or willfully reveal the information contained in an alarm user authorization application or in correspondence or communications with an alarm user to any other person for any purpose not related to this chapter or official law enforcement matters without the express written consent of the alarm user supplying such information.
   (D)   The Police Chief shall approve such application if the Police Chief finds that the alarm equipment does comply with the standard of the Underwriters Laboratories, the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual, Canadian Standards Association, or equal. At the time the Police Chief approves the application for an alarm user permit, he or she will authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to collect the appropriate fee and issue an insignia with the permit number which shall be displayed in a conspicuous area on the property or as specifically directed by the Police Chief. An alarm user permit shall be personal to the holder and is not transferable. The fee for an alarm user permit shall be $25 annually.
(Ord. 8, 2007, passed 4-17-2007)