(A)   Sampling, monitoring and reporting.
Range of Response
Range of Response
Discharge without a permit or approval
One time which results in environmental damage or continuing violation
Written letter of violation (LOV) requiring a report within five days. No response leads to significant noncompliance, then formal action, then cease and desist order, including civil penalties, but could include emergency considerations which accelerate enforcement features leading to termination of service
Discharge without a permit or approval
One time without known environmental or POTW damage
Phone call, LOV, formal action, then CD if necessary
Discharge without a permit or approval
Continuing violation with known environmental or POTW damage
Civil penalties, injunctive relief follow, then show cause hearings leading to termination of service, but could include emergency considerations which accelerate enforcement features leading to termination of service
Exceeding interim limits
Results in known environmental or POTW damage
Phone call, LOV, formal action (compliance schedules) and if necessary, CD with civil penalties recommended, but could include emergency considerations which accelerate enforcement features leading to termination of service
Exceeding final limits
Four or more violations of the same effluent limits or two violations which exceed TRC
Phone call, LOV, formal action (compliance schedules) and if necessary, CD with civil penalties recommended
Exceeding final limits
Infrequent or isolated major violations exceed the limits by TRC of a single effluent limit
Written letter of violation (LOV) requiring a report within five days. No response leads to significant noncompliance, then formal action, then cease and desist order
Exceeding final limits (categorical, local or prohibited)
Infrequent or isolated minor violation
Failure to sample, monitor or report (routine reports, BMRs)
Isolated or infrequent
Written letter of violation (LOV) requiring a report within five days. No response leads to significant noncompliance, then formal action, then cease and desist order
Failure to sample, monitor, report or notify
IU does not respond to letters, does not follow through on verbal or written agreement or administrative order
Civil penalties, injunctive relief follow, then show cause hearings leading to termination of service
Failure to notify of effluent limit violation or slug discharge
Isolated or infrequent. No known effects
Failure to install monitoring equipment
Phone call, LOV, formal action (compliance schedules) to begin monitoring (using outside contracts if necessary) and install equipment within minimal time. Continued noncompliance leads to termination of service
Failure to notify of effluent limit violation or slug discharge
Known environmental or POTW damage results
Civil penalties, injunctive relief follow, then show cause hearings leading to termination of service, but could include emergency considerations which accelerate enforcement features leading to termination of service
Failure to notify of effluent limit violation or slug discharge
Frequent or continued violation
Written letter of violation (LOV) requiring a report within five days. No response leads to significant noncompliance, then formal action, then cease and desist order
Major or gross sampling, monitoring or reporting, deficiencies (missing information, late reports)
Isolated or infrequent
Phone call, LOV, followed by formal action (compliance schedules)
Major or gross reporting deficiencies
Continued. Remains uncorrected 30 days or more
CD or judicial action leading to show cause hearing and termination of service
Minor violation of permit condition
No evidence of negligence or intent
Minor sampling, monitoring or reporting deficiencies (computational or typographical errors)
Isolated or infrequent
LOV. Corrections to be made on next submittal
Minor violation of analytical procedures
Any instance
Minor violation of analytical procedures
No evidence of intent
Minor violation of analytical procedures
Evidence of negligence or intent
Phone call, LOV, formal action, then CD if necessary
Minor violation of permit condition
Evidence of negligence or intent
Written letter of violation (LOV) requiring a report within five days. No response leads to significant noncompliance, then formal action, then cease and desist order
Missed interim date
Will result in order missing interim dates. Violation for good or valid cause
Written letter of violation (LOV) requiring a report within five days. No response leads to significant noncompliance, then formal action, then cease and desist order
Missed interim date
Will not cause late final date or other interim dates
Missed interim date
Will result in order missed interim dates. No good or valid cause
Phone call, LOV, then formal action, then cease and desist with civil penalty recommendations
Missed final date
Violation due to outside force (strike, act of God and the like)
Contact permittee and require documentation of good or valid cause
Missed final date
90 days or more outstanding. Failure or refusal to comply without good or valid cause
Civil penalties, injunctive relief follow, then show cause hearings leading to termination of service
Reported slug load
Isolated without known damage
Reported slug load
Isolated with known interference, pass through or damage
Phone call, LOV, formal action (compliance schedules) and if necessary, CD with civil penalties recommended, but could include emergency considerations which accelerate enforcement features leading to termination of service
Reported slug load
Written letter of violation (LOV) requiring a report within five days. No response leads to significant noncompliance, then formal action, then cease and desist order
Reporting false information
Any instance
Written letter of violation (LOV) requiring a report within five days. No response leads to significant noncompliance, then formal action, then cease and desist order
   (B)   Use of range of enforcement guide.
      (1)   This range of enforcement guide addresses a broad range of pretreatment violations. It is not intended to cover all types of violations. The responses in this guide are suggested responses. The town may use alternative enforcement responses that are equally effective. The measure of the effectiveness of an enforcement response includes:
         (a)   Whether the noncomplying source returns to compliance as expeditiously as possible; and
         (b)   Whether the enforcement response establishes the appropriate deterrent effect for the particular violator and for other potential violators; and whether the enforcement response promotes fairness of government treatment as between comparable violators, as well as between complying and noncomplying parties.
      (2)   This guide has been developed for guidance and is not intended to create legal rights or obligations or to limit the enforcement discretion of town.
(Ord. 11, 2009, passed 12-15-2009) Penalty, see § 53.99