(A)   The Council hereby finds and determines that, based upon the rate report, the Council will amend the wastewater fees to offer consumers with installed residential irrigation systems and pools in the town a four-month sprinkler credit for the months of July, August, September and October.
   (B)   Users will be required on an annual basis to file with the Clerk-Treasurer’s office an application to receive the credit on his or her bill. That application must be filed on or before June 1 each year in order to receive the four-month credit, and applicants must provide proof that his or her residence has an installed irrigation system or a pool. There will be a $25 administrative fee associated with the filing of the application each year. Once the application is filed, it will automatically be processed, and the credit will be applied for the months of July, August September and October.
   (C)   The Council finds and determines that the proposed credit as set forth in the rate report is nondiscriminatory, reasonable and just and therefore should be adopted.
   (D)   The credit established herein shall begin immediately and remain in effect until amended or changed by the Town Council.
(Ord. 10, passed 6-21-2020)